^^ ja bin ich, DANKE!Zyankali! wrote: easteregg.msg:
Ich bin ein verrückter Russe!

also ist das RPÜ fertig? oder gibts noch was?
Moderators: Newsposter, Global Moderator, Zugriff Intern, Moderator
^^ ja bin ich, DANKE!Zyankali! wrote: easteregg.msg:
Ich bin ein verrückter Russe!
Ashbury wrote:P.s. Nein es ist nicht die Gewalt was mich an der Fallout Reihe gereizt hat,aber sie war immer die Kirsche auf der Sahnetorte ( Und ich will verdammt nochmal ne Kirsche oben drauf haben)
Ashbury wrote:P.s. Nein es ist nicht die Gewalt was mich an der Fallout Reihe gereizt hat,aber sie war immer die Kirsche auf der Sahnetorte ( Und ich will verdammt nochmal ne Kirsche oben drauf haben)
Ist schon geändert.jony walker wrote: bei [glow=red,2,300]"ACTEMVIL (Cameron)"[/glow] das vorher mal übersetzt wurde(vor 1ner Seite glaub ich), gehört der Name Cameron in [glow=red,2,300]Dumar [/glow]geändert(siehe vor 2 oder 3 Seiten glaub ich) damit es mit der Deutschen version stimmt.
aber bitte kontrolliert das nochmal damit ich nichts falsches sage (hab leider keine Zeit, mir ist das nur zufällig wieder eingefallen)
ich war mal so frei und hab das übersetztZyankali! wrote: Nein, es fehlt noch ein Abschnitt:
[spoiler]{611}{}{[Mynoc mumbles something under his breath and shakes his head before beginning his tale.] As you should know, he was once the greatest warrior of our tribe. He lead many expeditions into the outside world, and it was there, that corruption began to poison his mind.}
{612}{}{He became infatuated with the ways of the Outsiders, where power could bring anyone great respect and luxury. He began to view himself as superior to his fellow tribesmen who were content to live a more simple life.}
{613}{}{What a jerk.}
{614}{}{Go on.}
{615}{}{When our tribe fell into these hard times, he deemed himself our people's savior, and entered the Temple of Trials to prove himself to be the Chosen One.}
{616}{}{Go on.}
{617}{}{Nevermind, I don't want to hear this story anymore. Bye.}
{618}{}{He made his way through the Temple, quickly reaching the final test: a hand-to-hand battle with a fellow warrior.}
{619}{}{Go on.}
{620}{}{Wait, so he blew up that door and everything? Do we have someone rebuild that every time someone goes through the temple? Speaking of that, who built the temple in the first place?}
{621}{}{I don't have time to answer all your silly questions. Do you want me to finish the tale, or not?}
{622}{}{Sorry. Please continue.}
{623}{}{Actually, I think I'm ready to go. See you around.}
{624}{}{During the final trail, Er-Der-Nicht-Genannt-Werden-Darf unsheathed a hidden blade and used it to kill his opponent. When the Elder confronted him about his dishonorable use of a hidden weapon, he argued that it was not cheating, but rather proved him to be a cunning warrior.}
{625}{}{The Elder did not agree. Er-Der-Nicht-Genannt-Werden-Darf was forcibly exiled from our tribe and his name was never to be spoken amongst us again. As he was cast away into the wastes, he swore an oath of vengeance. Vengeance against our tribe, and especially against you.}
{626}{}{Me? What'd I do?}
{627}{}{Thanks for the story, but I'd best be on my way now.}
{628}{}{You are the Chosen One, a title he feels is rightfully his. His pride will not allow you to live.}
{629}{}{I'm not going to worry about it. He's probably dead out in the wastes by now, anyway.}
{630}{}{I'll be on my guard. Hopefully he's dead out in the wastes by now.}
{631}{}{Listen, and understand. Er-Der-Nicht-Genannt-Werden-Darf is out there. He can't be bargained with. He can't be reasoned with. He won't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.}
{632}{}{Gee, thanks. I'll see you around.}
{633}{}{I'll keep that in mind. Take care, Mynoc.}
{640}{}{Hey, could you tell me anything about this Kaga guy?}
{641}{}{[His eyes go wide and he looks around nervously as if expecting to suddenly be struck by lightning.] Have you lost your senses out in the wastes?! You should know better than to speak the name of the outcast! He is to be referred to only as Er-Der-Nicht-Genannt-Werden-Darf.
Our village suffers enough without inviting the wrath of the Gods upon us. [He raises his eyes nervously to the sky.]}
{642}{}{Sorry about that, Mynoc. But would you mind telling me what Ka... I mean, "He-Who's" deal is again? I really love that story.}
{650}{}{I've faced him before, so I'm sure I can handle him if our paths cross again.}
{651}{}{Actually, he's already dead. I left his corpse out there to rot in the wastes.}
{660}{}{[Mynoc nods grimly.] He may have strayed from the path, but he was once a great and respected warrior. I hope his troubled soul has found peace in the next world.}
{661}{}{Indeed. I'll see you around, Mynoc.}
{662}{}{Whatever. He seemed like an asshole to me. I'll see you around, Mynoc.}
Hab ich jetzt mal so 1:1 übernommen.petro9986 wrote: @ zyankali Alternativ: Wie du wissen solltest, war er einst der größte Krieger unseres Stammes. Er führte viele Expeditionen in die Welt außerhalb an und es war dort, wo die Verderbnis anfing seinen Geist zu vergiften.
Ashbury wrote:P.s. Nein es ist nicht die Gewalt was mich an der Fallout Reihe gereizt hat,aber sie war immer die Kirsche auf der Sahnetorte ( Und ich will verdammt nochmal ne Kirsche oben drauf haben)
Ashbury wrote:P.s. Nein es ist nicht die Gewalt was mich an der Fallout Reihe gereizt hat,aber sie war immer die Kirsche auf der Sahnetorte ( Und ich will verdammt nochmal ne Kirsche oben drauf haben)
Ja, aber wie gesagt: Da ich die meiste Zeit alleine getestet habe, können Fehler nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Ich habe vorgestern zum 7. Mal Fo2 mit RP gestartet und ich finde so gut wie nichts mehr.Lexx wrote: Final im Sinne von 1.2 komplett fertig und durchgecheckt?