Ich hoffe das ist fake...
God hates women / God hates Goth
The evils of Feminism, Woman's Liberation, Woman’s Rights and similar Nazi Organizations have filled so many of their silly little heads with pipe-dreams and nonsense, that many women foolishly believe their dreams are actually important.
I have had many letters over the years from women like this who claim, “He beat me”, “He broke my arm with a rock”, “He dragged me around by the hair and kicked me in the head”, “What sort of man assaults a poor defenceless woman?”. Well let me just ask you this question in return – Do you not think that maybe it was YOUR fault?
Der macht auch alle Goth für 9/11 verantwortlich...
Goths are responsible for Global Warming, and the destruction of the Twin Towers!
bzw. Behinderte regieren um die Christenheit zu töten...
While the Bible teaches that retards are the spawn on Hell itself, and the bastard children of Demons raping women during the early days of Earth. Not all retards are slobbering stammering staggering dumb animals. Many are VERY intelligent, and walk freely among us - disguised as normal people like you or I. But these are not normal people, many with retard blood hold places of power within today's society. And they have done for centuries! From great Dictators to mass-murderers, from scientists to influential writers - all with retarded blood and well hidden retardations such as epilepsy, autism and learning retardations. These retards are pulling the strings while many are unaware of their true nature and intentions. For they have been placed there for a purpose. They are part of the 'Retard Agenda'. A powerful Worldwide conspiracy of retards intent to discredit and destroy God.
kleiner Zusatz:
And you can see the truth it right there in God's Holy book. If you love your child, then you MUST beat them. Do not let your child's tears stop you. You must be strong for his or her sake. Remember this is for their own good. You must beat Satan out of your child morning, noon and night. Raise your child right, according to the teachings of the Bible. Only once your child has been properly disciplined, can you call yourself a good parent
(Gemeint sind vor allem die Frauen, weil die in der Erziehung versagt haben.)
Gott seis gepriesen, es ist Satire! ^^
Wirklich gut gemacht. Vor allem fällt man schnell drauf rein. Wer nicht genau liest wird im Glauben gelassen es is reell... Dennoch gibt es ein Haufen von Menschen die so was sicherlich als christlicher Weg ansehen.