Gamespot und
IGN haben eine Preview zu TES V veröffentlicht. Achtung: die schier unglaublichen und zugleich unglaublich innovativen Ideen seitens Spellbound und JoWood/Dreamcatcher könnten einige geistig überfordern. "Innovativ" ist hier übrigens gleichzusetzen mit "unfassbar idiotisch".
So former developer Piranha Bytes is gone, replaced by Spellbound Entertainment in hopes that fans of the epic RPG genre will eventually see Gothic in the same bright light as Oblivion.
Genau das, worauf alle Gothic-Spieler immer gewartet haben neben der Tatsache, dass endlich die Original-Entwickler nichts mehr mit Gothic zu tun haben. Es ist bemerkenswert, was für einen Einfluss ein beschissenes und overgehyptes Spiel auf die gesamte Spiele-Industrie haben kann.
The team invested months of research into the differences between European and American gaming preferences, so much so that there will be two different color palates for Arcania: North American (bright and beautiful) and European (muted and gritty).
Comedy gold.
Der erste Screenshot der nordamerikanischen Version:
The Nameless Hero from the original games has vanquished the orcs from the land and has ascended to the throne. But as the king, our former hero has become consumed with power and is no longer held in favor by much of the population, including the Witches of Fate [teh fuck? - Punck_D] that started him on his noble journey in the first place.
Nicht nur wird ein Mythos zerstört - nein, es geschieht auch noch auf eine nie zuvor gesehene, unkreative und dumme Art und Weise.
The demo that we saw was controlled part of the time with a wired Xbox 360 controller.
"That's one of those things that's more North American-centric. A map that hand-holds you through…which you can turn off if you want to."
aka "Quest Kompass".
The user interface in the demo[...]had an eight-slot skill bar in the bottom left hand corner;
"At this point we're now looking at WoW's [interface]...
He also spoke about the possibility of reordering your character statistics, indicating something along the lines of the ability in World of Warcraft to pay a fee to reshuffle talent points.
Wenn man sich bestimmte Zutaten von anderen massig verkauften Spielen abschaut, dann kann es nur ein gutes Gothic werden.
Gladman says he's very aware of how these types of changes could affect the hardcore Gothic player base. "It's always a challenge when you're working with an established IP [intellectual property] in maintaining the expectations that come along with that IP while still moving it forward at the same time…There was a lot of things with Gothic that are very Gothic-esque and as long as we maintain those, we should be alright."
Kommt mir bekannt vor.
Quaffing potions, for example, no longer requires your character to put away his weapons and enter a lengthy drinking animation that more often than not gives your attackers time to interrupt.
Ein großes, weil spielerschwerendes Manko der Gothic-Serie ist hiermit wohl ausgemerzt.
"I found in Gothic 3, you could pretty much do all the quests if you tried hard enough. They had that faction sort of thing but…it took me a couple of towns to realize what I was doing, which I found really frustrating. Not knowing what the consequences of my actions were, it wasn't communicated properly."
Wird es daher auch 2 inhaltlich verschiedene Versionen geben? Darunter eine für Schwachköpfe?
"Part of the frustrating part of Gothic 3 for me is there was so much to do and it wasn't tied together properly," said Podilchuk. "It didn't necessarily feel like I was doing a quest for the paladins or I was doing a quest for the orcs. Why would I be doing quests for the orcs?"
Sie, Herr Podilchuk, sind ein absoluter Vollidiot.
In the demo it was simply two buttons labeled Europe and North America. With the Europe button clicked the game took on more somber, darker tones. The game appeared lighter and more vibrant under the North American filter.
Ich muss ständig lachen wenn ich darüber nachdenke, deshalb nochmal das IGN-Zitat dazu.
TES V wird sicherlich den endgültigen Sprung in den weltweiten Markt schaffen, die innovativ zusammengeklauten Zutaten, Nicht-Beachtung des Gothic Kanons, die 2 verschiedenen grafischen Stile (ich kann nicht aufhören zu lachen) und zeitmäßigere Umsetzung, sprich "dumbed-down" Umsetzung des Spiels tun der Serie nach dem katastrophalen Prequel mehr als gut. Zur Hölle mit euch, PB!