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[Fallout Tools] Mr.Wolna's Fallout Wav2Lip Batch Converter 1.1b (FWBC 1.1b)

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:16 pm
by Mr.Wolna
Kleines Tool, große Wirkung!

Mit dieser kleinen EXE ist es möglich eine Massenkonvertierung für  Eimink's wav2lip.exe durchzuführen. Es ist so zusagen ein Addon zu siener Arbeit.
Sehr hilfreich wenn mann Talking Heads syncronisiert. Einfach das RAR Archiv in den wav2lip Ordner extrahieren und die ReadMe starten.
Für alle weiteren Fragen,stehe ich euch gerne zur Verfügung.

Neue Version Erschienen
Mr.Wolna's Fallout Wav2Lip Batch Converter 1.1b (FWBC 1.1b)

Ältere Versionen:
Mr.Wolna's Fallout Wav2Lip Batch Converter 1.0 (FWBC 1.0)
|Mr.Wolna's Fallout Wav2Lip Batch Converter 1.1b  |                 
|(c)2008 Mr.Wolna (                          |
|A little GUI for mass conversion for Eimink's wav2lip.exe  | 

Very important:
You need Eimink's wav2lip tool to work with this program.
Version 1.1b:
- error message when no wav2lip.exe and snd2acm.exe in the directory
- add a progress/status bar for converting

Version 1.1:
- now available with a GUI for easier convert
no CLI anymore

Version 1.0:
- possibility to mass convert wav files to lips
How to use?
1.Just copy the Exe in your wav2lip folder.
(The FWBC 1.1b.exe must be in the same folder like the wav2lip.exe and snd2acm.exe)
both you can get here:

2.Open the FWBC 1.1b.exe and select your output folder.

3.Click on the "WAV > LIP" button and let the tool make the work ;)
(The source file must be a wav format: PCM 22050Hz, 16-bit Stereo)

4.Have fun!
Known Errors:
Do not use more the 8 characters for the wav files
No spaces and special characters
Do not put the wav files in the same folder as the FWBC 1.1b.exe (else they will be deleted)
Author wants to thank:
Eimink      (who made the wav2lip tool)
Return 0    (who made snd2acm converter)
Helios2000  (who give me many useful tips in batch programming)
Chewie      (who explain to me the batch structure/only need for the  previous version)
Jordan      (who corect my code a little bit in the previous version)
Contact info:
If you have any questions regarding this software, please visit the forum and hold out for Mr.Wolna.




Re: [Fallout Tools] Mr.Wolna's Fallout Wav2Lip Batch Converter 1.0 (FWBC 1.0)

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:56 pm
by Mr.Wolna
cool jetzt ist das Tool offiziel auf NMA zu finden  ;D


Re: [Fallout Tools] Mr.Wolna's Fallout Wav2Lip Batch Converter 1.1b (FWBC 1.1b)

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:06 pm
by Mr.Wolna
So neuen viel bessere Version erschienen, jetzt mit GUI Unterstützung!

Feedback erwünscht.


Re: [Fallout Tools] Mr.Wolna's Fallout Wav2Lip Batch Converter 1.1b (FWBC 1.1b)

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:34 pm
by caliban44
Wiviel Arbeitszeit hast du in dieses Projekt gesteckt?

Re: [Fallout Tools] Mr.Wolna's Fallout Wav2Lip Batch Converter 1.1b (FWBC 1.1b)

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:49 pm
by Helios2000
Mehr als genug :s000:

Re: [Fallout Tools] Mr.Wolna's Fallout Wav2Lip Batch Converter 1.1b (FWBC 1.1b)

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:53 pm
by Mr.Wolna
Helios2000 wrote: Mehr als genug :s000:
Wie wahr, und immer noch kein Ende in Sicht -.-