Fallout 3 Developer Diary: Character Playthroughs
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 10:06 pm
Auf den letzten 10 Metern zum Release gibt es noch einmal einen neuen Eintrag im Developer Diary. In "Character Playthroughs" beschreibt Nate Purkeypile, wie man mit völlig verschiedenen Charakteren das Spiel bestreiten kann. Beschrieben werden dabei fünf Charaktere: Edward the Cannibal, Bob the Drunken Do-Gooder, Stanley the Emotionally Scarred Coward, Katie the Iron-fisted Hero und Porkchops the Fish Lady, alle auf den Screenshots im Artikel zu sehen. Wie beim letzten mal gibt es auch für diesen Eintrag noch keine deutsche Übersetzung.
Character Playthroughs
Link:My name is Nate Purkeypile and I am a world artist on Fallout 3. My main responsibilities on Fallout 3 were major locations, lighting, and creating kits for the level design department to create areas with. One of the main reasons that I have always been a fan of the Fallout series is that it lets you tell your own story. Instead of forcing you along a linear storyline, you are free to do whatever you want and play as whatever kind of character you want to. When the time came to start playing through Fallout 3, I decided to see just how far I could take the idea of not just playing the game, but playing as a character. Each time that I played the game, even though I knew every nook and cranny of the world, I had a ton of fun and every playthrough was wildly different.
Character Playthroughs