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Project V13: Mark O'Green zurück bei Interplay

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:23 pm
by Lexx
Wie The Vault berichtet, hat Mark O'Green, der ehemals die Dialoge von den meisten Talking Heads in Fallout und Fallout 2 geschrieben hat, ist wieder bei Interplay angeheuert und dem PV13 Team beigetreten.
O'Green has a Behavioral Science degree from United States Air Force Academy. He has been a fighter pilot, trained in the Army Recondo program, taught Small Element Tactics at the Air Force Academy, and worked as a superintendent of schools in England.

He is a member of SIGMA, a group of science fiction writers founded to consult the government and non-governmental organizations on possible future attacks, and is on the advisory board of Lifeboat Foundation, an organization encouraging scientific advancements, while finding ways to prevent misuse of advanced technology and "helping humanity survive existential risks".
via The Vault

Re: Project V13: Mark O'Green zurück bei Interplay

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:26 pm
by F0lem
Ich muss gestehen, dass mir der Name überhaupt nichts sagt. Aber die Dialoge waren toll, deswegen ist das eine gute Nachricht  #thumbsup

Re: Project V13: Mark O'Green zurück bei Interplay

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:35 pm
by Wolk
Klingt gut :)