Wasteland 2 - Neuer Patch in Arbeit: Grafik- und Gameplay-Verbesserungen

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Wasteland 2 - Neuer Patch in Arbeit: Grafik- und Gameplay-Verbesserungen

Post by raven1386 »

Hey zusammen,

am Freitag wurde ein neuer größerer Patch für Wasteland 2 angekündigt.

Hier die Original-Nachricht von Chris Keenan, dem Projektleiter von Wasteland 2:

"If you've been keeping a close eye on things, you might have heard tell that we're looking at doing some more balancing and improvements of Wasteland 2 in the future. We have expanded our original plan and decided that this is going to be a part of something much larger for all our fans.

In pursuit of this goal, one task we're working on right now is migrating the Wasteland 2 codebase from the Unity 4.5 engine to Unity 5, which will enable some new possibilities for us. A major benefit of moving to Unity 5 is that 5 will include many of the tools from Unity 4.x Pro. We relied on many of these tools during our development (like creating and building navigation meshes), and they will be available to modders without having to pay thousands of dollars for a Pro Unity license. There is no doubt that this migration will allow us to release better tools for modding to our community in the future.

So what’s the “something bigger” that I teased earlier? Let’s just say that the Orange County lifestyle might be getting to us as the game will be receiving a facelift. Unity 5 offers physically based shading, which is already starting to look amazing in the scenes we’ve touched up.

As well as visual improvements, we have quite a few quirky tricks up our sleeves. The character system is getting perked up and will include some new elements to modify gameplay. Of course, more details will be released in the future so stay tuned!"

Auf deutsch zusammengefasst:

- ein größeres Grafik-Update durch eine Erweiterung der Unitiy-Grafikengine von 4.5 auf 5.
- größere Modding-Unterstützung des Spiels
- Erweiterung des Charaktersystems und dadurch Erweiterung um neue Gameplay-Elemente im Spiel

Ich find's klasse, dass inXile Wasteland 2 nach so langer Zeit immer noch so sehr pflegt, obwohl sie mittlerweile mit zwei anderen Projekten beschäftigt sind, "Torment: Tides of Numenera" und "The Bard's Tale".

Ich freu mich auf den Patch und kann's kaum erwarten, Wasteland 2 noch einmal zu spielen.

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