[Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
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Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
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Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
[spoiler]{100}{}{You see a warrior.}
{101}{}{You see Krom, the Head Warrior of the tribe.}
{102}{}{You see a giant, heavily muscled warrior. His bronze skin carries the scars of countless battles.}
{200}{}{[This sun bronzed giant looks as if his corded muscles were carved out of granite. Beneath a mane of black hair,
his smoldering blue eyes pierce into you.] I’m Krom, the head warrior of this tribe. Who are you, and what brings you here?}
{201}{}{[This sun bronzed giant looks as if his corded muscles were carved out of granite. Beneath a mane of black hair,
his smoldering blue eyes roam unabashedly over your body.] I’m Krom, the head warrior of this tribe. By the Gods, girl,
your beauty could drive a man mad.}
{202}{}{I’m }
{203}{}{, and I’m on a holy quest to save my village, Arroyo, from certain destruction.}
{204}{}{I'm }
{205}{}{, and I’ve been on a holy quest to save my village, Arroyo, from certain destruction. I found what I needed though.}
{206}{}{I’m a simple wanderer--nothing more. I’ll be moving on now.}
#female, CH >= 7
{207}{}{[Smile.] Thank you, Krom.}
{208}{}{Thanks, but how ‘bout you keep your eyes focused up here. Alright, big guy?}
{209}{}{Spare me the compliments, alright, creep? I have no intention of sleeping with you. Hell, I don’t even want to talk
with you. Bye.}
{210}{}{Arroyo, yes, one of the northern tribes. But what of this “certain destruction” you speak of? Your village is well
fortified by a large canyon, is it not? Surely, you can defend against enemy tribes or raiders.}
{211}{}{It’s not an outside force that threatens us. My tribe is dying from within. We’ve suffered a terrible drought
and it seems my village is doomed to wither and die unless I can find the holy GECK in time.}
{212}{}{It’s not an outside force that threatens us. My tribe is dying from within. We’ve suffered a terrible drought
and it seems my village is doomed to wither and die unless we make use of the GECK I have found.}
{220}{}{Ah, a Garden of Eden Creation Kit, I’ve read of them in the old texts. [He smiles grimly.] It’s unfortunate
that your tribe has fallen on hard times, but it’s foolish to place all your hope on finding some “magical artifact”
from before the Great Silence. Are you sure your tribe didn’t send you on a fool’s errand simply to be rid of you?}
{221}{}{Ah, a Garden of Eden Creation Kit, I’ve read of them in the old texts. [He smiles grimly.] It’s unfortunate
that your tribe has fallen on hard times, but it’s foolish to place all your hope on finding some “magical artifact”
from before the Great Silence. How can you be so sure the device you found will save your people?}
{222}{}{Of course not. I successfully conquered the Temple of Trails and earned the highly respected title of the Chosen One.
That’s why I’ve been given this quest--because I’ve proved myself to be the most qualified. Now, what have you read of the
{223}{}{Are you trying to insult me? I’ll have you know I’m the Chosen One. Apologize, or I’ll put you in your place.}
{224}{}{I don't know for certain, but I've risked too much to stop now. I will do whatever it takes to save my tribe no
matter how insane and dangerous it might sound.}
{230}{}{[He dismissively shrugs his mighty shoulders.] Just another of the Old One’s lazy scientific baubles, meant to
replace the tried and true method of Man toiling against the unforgiving Earth--forging his own existence though sweat
and blood. But if you truly believe such a device is your only hope, then I suggest you seek out the Old One’s underground Vaults.
I’ve traveled far and wide, but I’ve never found one myself. But then, I wasn’t exactly looking.}
{231}{}{My village Elder is certain that finding the GECK is the best chance we’ve got. That’s what I’ve been tasked with,
so that’s what I intend to do. Anyway, thanks for the tip.}
{232}{}{Look for a Vault, you say? Wow, that’s *great* advice, if only I had known that before. Thanks a lot for the tip,
big guy.}
{240}{}{[He laughs heartily, then, with a speed that seems impossible for a man of his impressive bulk, he brings his spear
tip to your throat.] Chosen One, eh? Chosen to what, rule over sniveling dogs? If a fool like you is the best your tribe
has to offer, then their doom seems inevitable. Now, be gone from my sight. And if you cause any trouble here, I’ll split
your skull.}
{241}{}{[He laughs heartily, then gives your rear a playful slap with a hand that feels capable of crushing boulders.] You’ve got a fire
in you, girl. I like that. Perhaps we could put that fire to good use while you’re here. What do you say?}
{242}{}{Alright, fine, I’m going.}
{243}{}{No one threatens me, asshole!}
#PC is female and CH >= 7
{244}{}{To hell with you. I’m leaving. Bye.}
{245}{}{No one touches me, asshole! [Attack.]}
{246}{}{If you keep your hands to yourself, then I just *might* consider helping.}
{247}{}{That all depends. [Smile seductively.] What have you got in mind, big guy? [Wink.]}
{250}{}{I’m well versed in the art of sarcasm. Go take your smart tongue elsewhere before I rip it from your mouth.}
{251}{}{Alright, fine, I’m going.}
{252}{}{No one threatens me, asshole!}
{260}{}{You’re a stubborn one. By the Gods, I think I could get to like you. [He grins and slaps you on the back with a
hand that seems capable of crushing boulders.] While you’re here, perhaps you could assist us with a thing or two. What
do you say?}
{261}{}{You’re a stubborn one. By the Gods, I think I could get to like you, girl. [He grins and slaps you on the rear
with a hand that seems capable of crushing boulders.] While you’re here, perhaps you could assist us with a thing or two.
What do you say?}
{262}{}{Sure, I suppose I could help out a bit before I go. What would you like me to do?}
{263}{}{Sorry, but I just don’t have the time. In fact, I should really be moving along now. Bye.}
#PC is female and CH >= 7
{264}{}{Sure, I suppose I could help out a bit before I go. What would you like me to do?}
{265}{}{If you keep your hands to yourself, then I just *might* consider helping.}
{266}{}{Sorry, but I just don’t have the time. In fact, I should really be moving along now. Bye.}
{267}{}{No one touches me, asshole! [Attack.]}
{268}{}{That all depends. [Smile seductively.] What have you got in mind, big guy? [Wink.]}
# PC is female with Charisma of 7 or higher
# line 200
{270}{}{[He grins wolfishly. Despite his scared and rough appearance, he possesses a rugged handsomeness.] Tell me, girl,
what’s your name, and what brings you to our village?}
{280}{}{[Gladly. [He looks into your eyes and grins wolfishly. Despite his scared and rough appearance, he possesses a rugged handsomeness.]
Tell me, girl, what’s your name, and what brings you to our village?}
# Response to “What have you got in mind, big guy?” and “Yeah, big guy. I need something, alright.” (seen further down)
{290}{}{[Krom gives a wolfish grin, then takes you into his mighty arms.]}
{291}{}{[Get to it.]}
{292}{}{Whoa! Let me go, you got the wrong idea!}
# Krom’s response to: “Whoa! Let me go, you got the wrong idea!”
{300}{}{To hell with you, temptress! Go bring your teasing elsewhere. I have no time to waste on you.}
{301}{}{Yeah, well fuck you too. Bye.}
{302}{}{Whatever. Bye.}
# Get to it.
{310}{}{[Several hours pass by in a haze of sweaty, brutal passion. Finally, you lay on the floor of Krom’s hut, exhausted.
Krom lies at your side, his eyes devouring the contours of your body.] By the Gods, girl, you’re incredible!}
{311}{}{Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.}
{312}{}{Of course I am. After all, I’m the Chosen One.}
# PC initiates dialog with Krom after having slept with him, but before getting the quest to find the weapons.
{320}{}{[Krom gives you a strange grin.] The God’s know you’ve done wonders for me, girl, but perhaps you’d be interested
in assisting the rest of the tribe?}
{321}{}{Sure, I suppose I could help out a bit. What would you like me to do?}
{322}{}{I wish I could help, but I should really be going now. Sorry.}
{323}{}{You want me to fuck the rest of the tribe? What kind of a girl do you think I am?}
# Krom’s response to “You want me to fuck the rest of the tribe?”
{330}{}{[Krom bursts into hearty laughter.] Gods no, girl! Though that might do wonders for my warrior’s morale, I’d
hate to share honey as sweet as you. No, I have a far more mundane task for you, if you’re willing.}
{331}{}{That depends. What would you need me to do?}
#trader meeting quest
{340}{}{[He looks you over, seeming to consider something for a moment.] I’m to meet with one of them damned civilized
trader’s soon--a pudgy one-eyed dog of a man, who I trust about as much as a starving radscorpion. He’s not wronged us
yet, but I’ve got a feeling about our next meeting.}
{341}{}{Why’s that?}
{342}{}{I don’t see how I fit into this. What’s your point?}
{350}{}{When last we spoke, he boasted he’d be bringing me something truly miraculous, and that I’d be wise to haul all
the golden gecko hides I could carry to the meet. I don’t know what his miracle item is, but it’s likely some civilized
trinket that he’ll hope I’ll be ignorant of enough to pay far more than it’s worth. That’s why I’d like you to make the
{351}{}{Why me?}
{352}{}{Sorry, but I think I’ll pass. Bye.}
{360}{}{Because you’re my kin--a fellow tribal, as they call us--yet I can tell you’ve had recent experience with the
civilized world. If he tries to pull something, you’d be more likely to spot it than me. Besides, I’ve got a good
feeling about you, and I’ve learned to trust my instincts.}
{361}{}{Because you’re my kin--a fellow tribal, as they call us--yet I can tell you’ve had recent experience with the
civilized world. If he tries to pull something, you’d be more likely to spot it than me. Besides, I’ve got a good
feeling about you girl, and I’ve learned to trust my instincts.}
{362}{}{Alright. Let’s do this.}
{363}{}{Alright, but give me a moment to get ready.}
{364}{}{If I help you, what’s in it for me?}
{370}{}{[He chuckles.] I offer the hospitality of our tribe and the opportunity to impress me. I promise no more than that.}
{371}{}{Alright. Let’s do this.}
{372}{}{Alright, but give me a moment to get ready.}
{373}{}{Not interested. Bye.}
#give me a moment
{375}{}{Are you ready to go?}
{376}{}{Not yet.}
{377}{}{Alright. Let’s do this.}
#float at trader meeting
{380}{}{It’s up to you to decide.}
# PC agrees to purchasing the goods
{390}{}{[Krom examines one of the tribe’s newly acquired stimpaks.] These should prove to be quite useful. [He brings
the stimpak to his nose, sniffs, and frowns. He squirts a little of the crimson fluid onto his hand and tentatively
tastes it.] Curse the gods! They’re filled with brahmin blood! That one-eyed bastard fucked us over. Right now he’s
probably having a good laugh at us as he revels in his new golden pelts.}
{391}{}{Sorry about that. I had no idea they were fake.}
{392}{}{Oh well. Live and learn.}
{400}{}{If I ever see that cheating dog again, I’ll take great pleasure in cleaving his ugly skull. Now, if you’ll excuse
me, I’ve got some vials of brahmin blood to dispose of. Perhaps the shaman would have some use for it.}
# PC kills trader, not knowing about the fake goods
{410}{}{[He smiles grimly.] I didn’t care for the ugly bastard, but by the gods, I didn’t plan on butchering him. Sure,
now his goods are free for the taking, but if word gets out that he came to trade with us and never returned, we’ll be
blacklisted among the traders.}
{411}{}{[He smiles grimly.] I didn’t care for the ugly bastard, but by the gods girl, I didn’t plan on butchering him.
Sure, now his goods are free for the taking, but if word gets out that he came to trade with us and never returned, we’ll
be blacklisted among the traders.}
{412}{}{Sorry, I guess I got carried away.}
{413}{}{He was civilized scum and deserved death.}
{420}{}{I see now that it was a mistake to task you with this. I’ll be keeping a close eye on you during your time at our
village. Now come, let us take care of this mess and be on our way.}
# PC kills trader, knowing about the fake goods
{430}{}{[He smiles grimly.] The lying bastard got what he deserved. Let his fate be a lesson to any trader who thinks
they can cheat our valuables from us. You did well in spotting his deceit. I see I made a wise choice in trusting you.
You’re welcome to stay among us, and treat our tribe as your own. However, I may call on your aid again in the future.
Now come, let us leave these corpses to rot in the sun.}
{431}{}{[He smiles grimly.] The lying bastard got what he deserved. Let his fate be a lesson to any trader who thinks
they can trick our valuables from us. You did well in spotting his deceit. Beautiful, perceptive, and deadly--by Gods,
girl, you’ve got it all. You’re welcome to stay among us, and treat our tribe as your own. However, I may call on your
aid again in the future. Now come, let us leave these corpses to rot in the sun.}
# PC does not purchase goods, not knowing they are fake
{440}{}{I don’t blame you for not making the trade. I had a bad feeling about the deal as well. I admit those stimpaks
would have proven useful, but we’ve been getting by without them, and we’ll continue to do so. Now, you’re welcome to
stay among us, and treat our tribe as your own. However, I may call on your aid again in the future. Thanks for your help.}
{441}{}{I don’t blame you for not making the trade. I had bad feeling about the deal as well. I admit those stimpaks would
have proven useful, but we’ve been getting by without them, and we’ll continue to do so. You’re welcome to stay among us
girl, and treat our tribe as your own. However, I may call on your aid again in the future. Thanks for your help.}
{442}{}{No problem.}
{443}{}{My pleasure.}
{444}{}{Whatever. Bye.}
# PC does not purchase goods, knowing they are fake
{450}{}{If I ever see that cheating dog again, I’ll take great pleasure in cleaving his ugly skull. However, you did well
in spotting his deceit. I see I made a wise choice in trusting you. You’re welcome to stay among us, and treat our tribe
as your own. However, I may call on your aid again in the future. Thanks for your help.}
{451}{}{If I ever see that cheating dog again, I’ll take great pleasure in cleaving his ugly skull. However, you did well
in spotting his deceit. I see I made a wise choice in trusting you, girl. You’re welcome to stay among us, and treat our
tribe as your own. However, I may call on your aid again in the future. Thanks for your help.}
{452}{}{No problem.}
{453}{}{My pleasure.}
{454}{}{Whatever. Bye.}
# PC initiates dialog with Krom after already helping.
{460}{}{[The giant warrior nods a greeting as you approach.] Welcome back, friend. Do you need something?}
{461}{}{[The giant warrior grins as he watches you approach.] By the God’s, I nearly forgot how gorgeous you are. Do you
need something, girl?}
{462}{}{I was wondering if I could ask you a couple questions.}
{463}{}{No, sorry, I thought this was a different tent. I’ll be going now.}
# Ask a couple questions
{470}{}{Of course.}
{471}{}{You look like you’ve been through a lot. I was wondering what your story is.}
{472}{}{What could you tell me about this village?}
{473}{}{Is there anything going on here I could help you with?}
{474}{}{Huh, that’s strange. It seems I forgot what I wanted to ask you. I’ll come back if I remember. Bye.}
# Response to PC asking about Krom’s story.
{480}{}{[Krom chuckles.] Yes, I suppose I have been through a lot. I was born and raised in a tribe far to the north,
beyond your own. I was fifteen when my tribe was attacked by savages. I awoke that day as a boy, but by the time the sun
set on that grim scene, I had slayed my way to manhood. Every man, woman, and child was dead, except for me. Ah, but what’s
life without battle and strife? It either breaks a man, or it forges him into steel. I wear my scars with pride.}
{481}{}{So what’d you do then?}
{482}{}{Alright, I think I’ve heard enough. Let me ask you something else.}
# Krom’s story, continued
{490}{}{I piled up the bodies and watched them burn into the night. Then gathered what I could and went wandering. Spent
time with various tribes; fought lots of battles. Spent a little time amongst the “civilized” people, but I tired of them
quickly. Too many greedy, backstabbing, lazy dogs hiding behind their guns. I’d rather enjoy a good battle of flesh and
steel. I’m not a complicated man. Give me battles and feasts, wine and women. What else matters in this grim world?}
{491}{}{So how’d you end up here?}
{500}{}{I came here a couple years ago. This tribe took me in and treated me well. They offered to make me their head warrior,
which I obviously accepted. I’ve enjoyed it here, next to the Great Salt Water. But I feel the wanderlust growing within me.
Someday soon, I believe I’ll move on and see what the Gods have in store for me next.}
{501}{}{Thanks for the story. Could I ask you something else?}
# PC asks Krom about the village.
{510}{}{Let’s see . . . Most members of this village actually hail from three smaller tribes that decided to unite many
years ago in order to keep from dying off. It creates an interesting mix of customs and dialects. More importantly, it
creates a good mix of women. Beyond that, there’s not much to say. It’s a simple village where we struggle to forge a
simple existence.}
{511}{}{Alright, thanks. Could I ask you something else?}
# PC asks Krom if there’s anything that needs doing
{520}{}{Actually, we’ve been having trouble with our well. If you think you could help, go speak to Merli and he’ll fill you in on it.}
{521}{}{Alright, thanks. Bye.}
{522}{}{Alright, maybe I’ll do that. But first, could I ask you something else?}
# PC talks to Krom after the hunters go missing and after gathering the weapons.
{530}{}{Good to see you, friend. If you’ve got a moment, I could use your assistance again.}
{531}{}{Good to see you again, girl. If you’ve got a moment, I could use your assistance.}
{532}{}{Sure. What do you need?}
{533}{}{Sorry, I’m busy now. Perhaps later.}
{540}{}{Two of our hunters, Serin and Jerem, have not yet returned from the hunting ground and some people are starting to worry. They’re two of our best warriors, and I’d hate to think something has happened to them. I’d go search for them myself, but if the villagers saw me take such a personal interest in the matter, I fear they’d assume the worst. I’d rather not get people riled up until I know what’s going on. So, will you seek them out for me?}
{541}{}{Alright, but where should I look?}
{542}{}{Sorry, but I don’t have time to look for them. Besides, I’m sure they’ll turn up soon. Bye.}
{543}{}{I’m not here to babysit your warriors. Bye.}
{550}{}{Check the hunting grounds, to the north. The quickest way to get there is through the cave to the west, next to the Great Salt Water. Normally, I wouldn’t advise taking that route, since it’s in danger of collapsing, but it’s important that you make haste. Just tread carefully through the cave, and you should be fine.}
{551}{}{Alright, I’ll hurry and try to find them.}
{552}{}{Wait, you want me to pass through a cave that’s about to collapse? Hmm . . . Shit, I just remembered! I have to go save my tribe! Sorry, gotta run.}
{560}{}{Do you bring news of the lost hunters?}
{561}{}{Not yet. I’ll keep looking.}
{562}{}{Yeah, I found them in the cave. They’re both dead.}
{570}{}{[Krom nods, his face grim.] How?}
{571}{}{There was a cave-in. One had been crushed by the falling rocks; the other was pinned down by the rubble, then eaten alive by a gecko. It was pretty brutal.}
{580}{}{Killed by a damn cave-in. Curse the Gods! I hate to lose good men in such a way. They should have died on the field of battle, like the true warriors they were. [He shakes his head.] Their loss is a great blow to this tribe. Anyway, thank you for looking. Your services are no longer needed.}
{581}{}{Sure, anytime. Bye.}
{582}{}{I’m sure they were great men. Bye.}
# PC rescues Serin.
{590}{}{Thank you for locating the hunters. The loss of Jerem is great, as he was a skilled warrior. He should have died
on the field of battle, not by some damn cave-in. Anyway, Serin should recover fully, thanks to you, friend. You will
always be welcome here.}
{591}{}{Thank you for locating the hunters. The loss of Jerem is great, as he was a skilled warrior. He should have died
in the field of battle, not by some damn cave-in. Anyway, Serin should recover fully, thanks to you, girl. You will always
be welcome here.}
{592}{}{Thanks. Take care, Krom.}
# PC is dumb
# Response to Krom’s initial dialog
{800}{}{Me tribe, Arroyo, need help. I help. I special chosen helper.}
{801}{}{[Krom chuckles.] Yeah, you certainly are special. [He smiles and ruffles your hair with a hand that seems
capable of crushing boulders.] You like helping, huh? How would you like to be our tribe’s special helper?}
{802}{}{I help! Wut you need?}
{803}{}{Nu-uh. I help Arroyo. No time help others. Biiee!}
{810}{}{We need pointy weapons. [He points at his spear.] Five spears, like this. [He holds up his fingers.] *Five*.
Also, we need *ten*, that’s twice as many, knifes. [He pulls out a knife and shows it to you.] Like this, okay? Five
spears, doesn’t matter how sharp they are. And ten normal knifes. Got it?}
{811}{}{Otay. I go find pointy things.}
{812}{}{I have many pointy things. I no need them all.}
# Dumb PC talks to Krom after denying quest.
{820}{}{Did you change your mind? Want to be our tribe’s special helper?}
{821}{}{I special. I be big helper for tribe.}
# Dumb PC talks to KROM after taking quest.
{830}{}{You find all the pointy things I asked for?}
{831}{}{I found.}
{832}{}{I still look.}
# Dumb PC gives Krom the “pointy things”
{840}{}{[Krom quickly scrutinizes the weapons, then grins and pats you on the back.] You did a good job. Thank you. Now run along and stay out of trouble.}
# Dumb PC talks to Krom after already completing the quest.
{850}{}{[Krom ruffles your hair.] There’s my special helper. You run along now and stay out of trouble.}
# PC has defeated the Enclave
{1000}{}{[The giant warrior nods respectfully to you.] Well, if it isn’t the great hero of the wastes. That was a pretty
impressive feat, sending them Enclave dogs to hell like that. In fact, hearing tales of your exploits has inspired me to
head back out into the wastes myself.}
{1001}{}{Where will you go?}
{1002}{}{You’re just going to leave? But you’re the tribe’s head warrior.}
{1003}{}{Alright. Good luck on your journey, Krom.}
{1010}{}{[He shrugs his broad shoulders.] East seems as good a direction as any other. Yeah, I think I’ll head east and see
what awaits me.}
{1020}{}{They’ll just have some other warrior fill the position. Hell, head warriors generally don’t live much longer than
a couple years anyway, so I’d say I’ve earned my retirement.}
{2000}{}{You restock the Tribe with more weapons.}
{2500}{}{You fall victim to Roy's deception.}
{2501}{}{You needlessly kill the merchant.}
{2502}{}{You expose Roy's deception, and ensure that he'll never trade again.}
{2503}{}{You decline to trade with Roy.}
{2504}{}{You expose Roy's deception.}
{3000}{}{Begone vile slaver!}
(hatte zwar schon angefangen, nicht viel, aber ist eindeutig ZU viel für meine Englischkenntnisse.) bzw. jemand anders würde dafür weit aus weniger Zeit brauchen.
[spoiler]{100}{}{You see the caravan master.}
{101}{}{You see Mr. Baron, the master of this caravan.}
{200}{}{Hello Traveler, name’s Robert Baron, master of this here caravan. Are you looking to make a trade?}
{201}{}{Sure. Let’s see what you’ve got.}
{202}{}{Actually, I wanted to speak with you on behalf of a nearby village.}
{203}{}{Nope. I’ll be on my way now.}
{204}{}{Robert Baron, huh? Ever think about going by Bobby Baron? That’s got a nice bounce to it, don’t you think?}
{210}{}{I think your mom might’ve bounced you on your head a couple times. Now, do you want to trade, or not? I’m a busy man.}
{220}{}{Alright. Anything else?}
{221}{}{Yes actually, I wanted to speak with you on behalf of a nearby village.}
{222}{}{Nope. I’ll be on my way now.}
{230}{}{[He furrows his brow.] Village? Not sure what your--oh! Are you talking about that rat infested little shit-hole down the way?}
{231}{}{Uh, maybe.}
{232}{}{Yes, I am.}
{233}{}{It’s not a shit-hole. They’re a struggling community that’s making some real progress.}
{240}{}{Look, I already met with them, and I’m going to tell you the same thing I told them. They’re simply too small for me to bother with. Besides, that place is fetid as all hell.}
{241}{}{Alright. I gave it a shot. Bye.}
{242}{}{Oh, come on, it’s not that far out of your way. You pretty much pass right by it.}
{243}{}{Is there *any* way I could get you to change your mind?}
{250}{}{Now what? If you’re not going to trade, then stop wasting my fucking time.}
{251}{}{Let’s trade.}
{252}{}{Sorry, I’ll go now.}
{253}{}{I think I’ll waste *you* asshole.}
{254}{}{Is there *any* way I could get you to change your mind about trading with the village?}
{260}{}{So what if I do? I don’t care if it’s only a *minute* out of my way, it’s just not worth the hassle.}
{261}{}{Alright. I see it’s useless to reason with you. Bye.}
{262}{}{Is there *any* way I could get you to change your mind?}
{263}{}{That’s too bad, because a smart merchant would jump on this opportunity. But hey, if you’re not interested, I suppose I’ll have to go elsewhere...}
{270}{}{Now just hold on a moment. I didn’t say for certain that I wasn’t interested. What’s this opportunity you speak of?}
{271}{}{You see, that village might not be much to look at now, but I’ve got some insider information that all but guarantees that place is going to be the new hot spot. Trust me, it’s going to be booming in the coming years. So if I were you, I’d want to build up relations now, before they get too big and you miss your chance.}
{280}{}{Haha! You expect me to believe that shit-hole is going to turn into something worthwhile? I think I’m about done wasting my time with you.}
{281}{}{Alright. I see it’s useless to reason with you. Bye.}
{282}{}{Is there *any* way I could get you to change your mind?}
{290}{}{You’re not kidding, are you? Hmm, I suppose it couldn’t hurt to take a little detour over there now and then. Hell, it’s hardly even out of my way. Thanks for the tip, friend.}
{291}{}{No problem. See ya.}
{292}{}{Yep. Bye.}
{300}{}{[He seems to consider your question.] Perhaps . . . exactly what are we talking here?}
{301}{}{You make that village a regular stop on your route, and in return, I’ll pay you $500.}
{302}{}{You make that village a regular stop on your route, and in return, I’ll do my part to ensure nothing “unfortunate” happens to your caravan.}
{303}{}{You make that village a regular stop on your route, and in return, I’ll show you a good time you’ll never forget.}
{304}{}{You make that village a regular stop on your route, and in return, my wife here will show you a good time you’ll never forget.}
{305}{}{Actually, never mind. Bye.}
{310}{}{Now you’re speaking my language! Alright, it’s a deal. [He greedily snatches the money from you and shakes your hand.]}
{311}{}{Pleasure doing business with you. Bye.}
{320}{}{$500? Not worth it. Make it $1,000 and you’ve got a deal}
{321}{}{I don’t have that much. Bye.}
{322}{}{Alright, fine. $1,000 it is.}
{323}{}{No deal. Goodbye.}
{330}{}{Now you’re speaking my language! You’ve got yourself a deal. [He greedily snatches the money from you and shakes your hand.]}
{331}{}{Pleasure doing business with you. Bye.}
{340}{}{Are you threatening me? No one threatens me and lives! (to his caravan guards) Kill this stupid fuck!}
{341}{}{Bring it on!}
{350}{}{Look, I don’t want any trouble. If you want me to swing by and trade with that village, fine, no big deal. Hell, it’s hardly even out of my way. No problem.}
{351}{}{I’m glad we have an understanding. I’ll be watching you. Bye.}
{352}{}{You better hope there’s not a problem. Cause if there is, I’ll solve it. Bye.}
{353}{}{[Glare at him intently for a moment, then slowly walk away.]}
{360}{}{Ugh! God no! I’d rather fuck a brahmin. Now get out of here and stop wasting my time.}
{361}{}{Fuck you, asshole! [Attack.]}
{362}{}{Fine, but you could’ve just said no. No need to be a jerk about it.}
{363}{}{You don’t know what you’re missing.}
{364}{}{[Bury your ugly face in your hands and run away crying.]}
{370}{}{Eh, sorry girl. I’m just not in the mood right now. You got anything else to offer?}
{371}{}{You make that village a regular stop on your route, and in return, I’ll pay you $500.}
{372}{}{You make that village a regular stop on your route, and in return, I’ll do my part to ensure nothing “unfortunate” happens to your caravan.}
{373}{}{Nope. Bye.}
{380}{}{[He looks you up and down, then grins.] I think you’ve got yourself a deal. Do you take it in the backdoor?}
{381}{}{Baby, I take it any way you want to give it.}
{382}{}{You’ll just have to find out, won’t you?}
{383}{}{Ugh! Hell no! Now let’s hurry up and get this over with before I puke.}
{390}{}{[The merchant grins at you as he refastens his belt.]Holy shit, you sure know how to drive a good bargain. If you ever need to talk a merchant into doing something else, you make sure and look me up. Now, I should really be going. It was a pleasure doing business with you.}
{391}{}{[Shudder.] Once was enough. Bye.}
{392}{}{Anytime. Bye.}
{400}{}{[He looks Miria up and down, then grins.] I think you’ve got yourself a deal. [He shakes your hand, then puts his arm around Miria and walks her to someplace more private.]}
{401}{}{[Tap your foot while you wait.]}
{402}{}{[Whistle while you wait.]}
{403}{}{[Check your weapons while you wait.]}
{404}{}{[Stand there silently and make awkward eye contact with the caravan guards while you listen to the sounds of your wife being defiled by the merchant master.]}
{410}{}{[An hour later, you see Robert Baron and Miria, now sweaty and disheveled from their sexual romp, walking back towards you. You notice Miria is walking with a slight limp. The merchant grins at you as he refastens his belt.] Holy shit, you sure know how to drive a good bargain. If you ever need to talk a merchant into doing something else, you make sure and look me up. Now, I should really be going. It was a pleasure doing business with you.}
{411}{}{Whatever. Bye.}
{412}{}{Anytime. Bye.}
{500}{}{You convince the merchant to add the village to his trade route.}
{510}{}{You kill the merchant, thus ensuring that the village won’t be able to trade.}
[spoiler]{100}{}{You see a young woman.}
{101}{}{You see Ann, Connar's wife.}
{102}{}{She appears to be busily cooking.}
{200}{}{Why hello there, I’m Connar’s wife, Ann. You must be the one who helped out us out. I can’t tell you how much
we appreciate all you’ve done. It’s hard to believe that we can finally live in peace without fear of Vault City’s goons
coming to take us from our homes.}
{201}{}{Glad to be of assistance. You seem to be quite busy here. Need some help with anything?}
{202}{}{No problem. See you around.}
{300}{}{Actually, I *could* use some help. Now that we’re becoming more organized, we’re starting to see our numbers
grow. The problem is, I’m not sure we’ll have enough food to go around. My husband has attempted to get the caravans
to stop here, but they don’t’ think we’re worth their time. I don’t suppose you could get them to reconsider?}
{301}{}{Sorry lady, but I think I’ve done enough here. I need to move on now. Bye.}
{302}{}{Can’t you people ever deal with your own fucking problems? Bye.}
{303}{}{Sure. I’ll see what I can do. Who do I talk to about this?}
{310}{}{One of the caravan masters, Mr. Baron, will be passing by here shortly. The caravan trail isn’t far from this
village. If you could go out there and meet with him, we’d all appreciate it greatly.}
{311}{}{Alright, I’ll give it a shot. Show me where he is.}
{312}{}{Alright, but I’m not ready yet. I’ll let you know when I am.}
{313}{}{On second thought, you’re going to have to handle this on your own. Sorry.}
{320}{}{Are you ready to go meet the caravan master yet?}
{321}{}{Not yet. Bye.}
{322}{}{Alright. I’m ready.}
{330}{}{Oh, it's you! Thank you for speaking with Mr. Baron. He had just come by to make trade arrangements with my husband.
You've done so much to help us, we're forever in your debt!}
{331}{}{It's the least I could do. Take care.}
{332}{}{You think I do all this for free? Let's talk money.}
{340}{}{[Ann looks a bit flustered.] Well, yes...alright fine. I had a little something stored away for an emergency, but
I suppose you can have it. And to think I saw you as a good person.}
{341}{}{Looks are in the eyes of the beholder, lady. Good day.}
{342}{}{Sorry, money makes the world go round. Bye.}
{350}{}{Oh, it's you! I heard what you did to Mr. Baron. I never did care for him, but you didn't have to kill him. We'll
stifle as a community without proper trade.}
{351}{}{Sorry, mistakes happen. Bye.}
{352}{}{Not my problem. Bye.}
{400}{}{Did Vault City send you?}
{401}{}{We have the right to live here, you know.}
{402}{}{I have nothing more to say to you.}
{403}{}{Thanks again for everything!}
{404}{}{Thanks so much!}
{405}{}{Finally we are safe.}
{406}{}{Thanks for everything! Be sure to stop by again once we expand the place. I'll finally have a working kitchen to cook in.}
{410}{}{Hello again.}
{411}{}{You seem to be quite busy here. Need some help with anything?}
{412}{}{Nevermind. Bye.}
{500}{}{You convinced the merchant to add the village to his trade route.}
{510}{}{You killed the merchant, thus ensuring that the village won’t be able to trade.}
[spoiler]{100}{}{You see a very hyperactive little boy.}
{101}{}{You see Little Todd.}
#random floats
{200}{}{BOOM!!! I love ‘splosions!}
{201}{}{Bam-bam! I shoot mutants!}
{202}{}{I wish I saw more ‘splosions!}
{203}{}{Everything should explode!}
{300}{}{Can you blow something up, Mister?}
{301}{}{When I grow up, I’m gonna rule the world!}
{302}{}{I don’t like it here, I wanna move to the east coast!}
{303}{}{My clothes are magic!}
{304}{}{Grownups talk too much!}
{305}{}{The Brotherhood of Steel are the knights of the wasteland!}
{306}{}{All mutants are evil!}
{307}{}{I bet my teddy bear could kill you!}
{308}{}{My dad went missing again!}
{309}{}{Sometimes I drink from toilets!}
{310}{}{What’s cont-i-newy-t mean?}
{311}{}{Can you blow something up, Misses?}
das wären erstmal alle NEUEN.
[spoiler]{100}{}{You see a warrior.}
{101}{}{You see Krom, the Head Warrior of the tribe.}
{102}{}{You see a giant, heavily muscled warrior. His bronze skin carries the scars of countless battles.}
{200}{}{[This sun bronzed giant looks as if his corded muscles were carved out of granite. Beneath a mane of black hair,
his smoldering blue eyes pierce into you.] I’m Krom, the head warrior of this tribe. Who are you, and what brings you here?}
{201}{}{[This sun bronzed giant looks as if his corded muscles were carved out of granite. Beneath a mane of black hair,
his smoldering blue eyes roam unabashedly over your body.] I’m Krom, the head warrior of this tribe. By the Gods, girl,
your beauty could drive a man mad.}
{202}{}{I’m }
{203}{}{, and I’m on a holy quest to save my village, Arroyo, from certain destruction.}
{204}{}{I'm }
{205}{}{, and I’ve been on a holy quest to save my village, Arroyo, from certain destruction. I found what I needed though.}
{206}{}{I’m a simple wanderer--nothing more. I’ll be moving on now.}
#female, CH >= 7
{207}{}{[Smile.] Thank you, Krom.}
{208}{}{Thanks, but how ‘bout you keep your eyes focused up here. Alright, big guy?}
{209}{}{Spare me the compliments, alright, creep? I have no intention of sleeping with you. Hell, I don’t even want to talk
with you. Bye.}
{210}{}{Arroyo, yes, one of the northern tribes. But what of this “certain destruction” you speak of? Your village is well
fortified by a large canyon, is it not? Surely, you can defend against enemy tribes or raiders.}
{211}{}{It’s not an outside force that threatens us. My tribe is dying from within. We’ve suffered a terrible drought
and it seems my village is doomed to wither and die unless I can find the holy GECK in time.}
{212}{}{It’s not an outside force that threatens us. My tribe is dying from within. We’ve suffered a terrible drought
and it seems my village is doomed to wither and die unless we make use of the GECK I have found.}
{220}{}{Ah, a Garden of Eden Creation Kit, I’ve read of them in the old texts. [He smiles grimly.] It’s unfortunate
that your tribe has fallen on hard times, but it’s foolish to place all your hope on finding some “magical artifact”
from before the Great Silence. Are you sure your tribe didn’t send you on a fool’s errand simply to be rid of you?}
{221}{}{Ah, a Garden of Eden Creation Kit, I’ve read of them in the old texts. [He smiles grimly.] It’s unfortunate
that your tribe has fallen on hard times, but it’s foolish to place all your hope on finding some “magical artifact”
from before the Great Silence. How can you be so sure the device you found will save your people?}
{222}{}{Of course not. I successfully conquered the Temple of Trails and earned the highly respected title of the Chosen One.
That’s why I’ve been given this quest--because I’ve proved myself to be the most qualified. Now, what have you read of the
{223}{}{Are you trying to insult me? I’ll have you know I’m the Chosen One. Apologize, or I’ll put you in your place.}
{224}{}{I don't know for certain, but I've risked too much to stop now. I will do whatever it takes to save my tribe no
matter how insane and dangerous it might sound.}
{230}{}{[He dismissively shrugs his mighty shoulders.] Just another of the Old One’s lazy scientific baubles, meant to
replace the tried and true method of Man toiling against the unforgiving Earth--forging his own existence though sweat
and blood. But if you truly believe such a device is your only hope, then I suggest you seek out the Old One’s underground Vaults.
I’ve traveled far and wide, but I’ve never found one myself. But then, I wasn’t exactly looking.}
{231}{}{My village Elder is certain that finding the GECK is the best chance we’ve got. That’s what I’ve been tasked with,
so that’s what I intend to do. Anyway, thanks for the tip.}
{232}{}{Look for a Vault, you say? Wow, that’s *great* advice, if only I had known that before. Thanks a lot for the tip,
big guy.}
{240}{}{[He laughs heartily, then, with a speed that seems impossible for a man of his impressive bulk, he brings his spear
tip to your throat.] Chosen One, eh? Chosen to what, rule over sniveling dogs? If a fool like you is the best your tribe
has to offer, then their doom seems inevitable. Now, be gone from my sight. And if you cause any trouble here, I’ll split
your skull.}
{241}{}{[He laughs heartily, then gives your rear a playful slap with a hand that feels capable of crushing boulders.] You’ve got a fire
in you, girl. I like that. Perhaps we could put that fire to good use while you’re here. What do you say?}
{242}{}{Alright, fine, I’m going.}
{243}{}{No one threatens me, asshole!}
#PC is female and CH >= 7
{244}{}{To hell with you. I’m leaving. Bye.}
{245}{}{No one touches me, asshole! [Attack.]}
{246}{}{If you keep your hands to yourself, then I just *might* consider helping.}
{247}{}{That all depends. [Smile seductively.] What have you got in mind, big guy? [Wink.]}
{250}{}{I’m well versed in the art of sarcasm. Go take your smart tongue elsewhere before I rip it from your mouth.}
{251}{}{Alright, fine, I’m going.}
{252}{}{No one threatens me, asshole!}
{260}{}{You’re a stubborn one. By the Gods, I think I could get to like you. [He grins and slaps you on the back with a
hand that seems capable of crushing boulders.] While you’re here, perhaps you could assist us with a thing or two. What
do you say?}
{261}{}{You’re a stubborn one. By the Gods, I think I could get to like you, girl. [He grins and slaps you on the rear
with a hand that seems capable of crushing boulders.] While you’re here, perhaps you could assist us with a thing or two.
What do you say?}
{262}{}{Sure, I suppose I could help out a bit before I go. What would you like me to do?}
{263}{}{Sorry, but I just don’t have the time. In fact, I should really be moving along now. Bye.}
#PC is female and CH >= 7
{264}{}{Sure, I suppose I could help out a bit before I go. What would you like me to do?}
{265}{}{If you keep your hands to yourself, then I just *might* consider helping.}
{266}{}{Sorry, but I just don’t have the time. In fact, I should really be moving along now. Bye.}
{267}{}{No one touches me, asshole! [Attack.]}
{268}{}{That all depends. [Smile seductively.] What have you got in mind, big guy? [Wink.]}
# PC is female with Charisma of 7 or higher
# line 200
{270}{}{[He grins wolfishly. Despite his scared and rough appearance, he possesses a rugged handsomeness.] Tell me, girl,
what’s your name, and what brings you to our village?}
{280}{}{[Gladly. [He looks into your eyes and grins wolfishly. Despite his scared and rough appearance, he possesses a rugged handsomeness.]
Tell me, girl, what’s your name, and what brings you to our village?}
# Response to “What have you got in mind, big guy?” and “Yeah, big guy. I need something, alright.” (seen further down)
{290}{}{[Krom gives a wolfish grin, then takes you into his mighty arms.]}
{291}{}{[Get to it.]}
{292}{}{Whoa! Let me go, you got the wrong idea!}
# Krom’s response to: “Whoa! Let me go, you got the wrong idea!”
{300}{}{To hell with you, temptress! Go bring your teasing elsewhere. I have no time to waste on you.}
{301}{}{Yeah, well fuck you too. Bye.}
{302}{}{Whatever. Bye.}
# Get to it.
{310}{}{[Several hours pass by in a haze of sweaty, brutal passion. Finally, you lay on the floor of Krom’s hut, exhausted.
Krom lies at your side, his eyes devouring the contours of your body.] By the Gods, girl, you’re incredible!}
{311}{}{Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.}
{312}{}{Of course I am. After all, I’m the Chosen One.}
# PC initiates dialog with Krom after having slept with him, but before getting the quest to find the weapons.
{320}{}{[Krom gives you a strange grin.] The God’s know you’ve done wonders for me, girl, but perhaps you’d be interested
in assisting the rest of the tribe?}
{321}{}{Sure, I suppose I could help out a bit. What would you like me to do?}
{322}{}{I wish I could help, but I should really be going now. Sorry.}
{323}{}{You want me to fuck the rest of the tribe? What kind of a girl do you think I am?}
# Krom’s response to “You want me to fuck the rest of the tribe?”
{330}{}{[Krom bursts into hearty laughter.] Gods no, girl! Though that might do wonders for my warrior’s morale, I’d
hate to share honey as sweet as you. No, I have a far more mundane task for you, if you’re willing.}
{331}{}{That depends. What would you need me to do?}
#trader meeting quest
{340}{}{[He looks you over, seeming to consider something for a moment.] I’m to meet with one of them damned civilized
trader’s soon--a pudgy one-eyed dog of a man, who I trust about as much as a starving radscorpion. He’s not wronged us
yet, but I’ve got a feeling about our next meeting.}
{341}{}{Why’s that?}
{342}{}{I don’t see how I fit into this. What’s your point?}
{350}{}{When last we spoke, he boasted he’d be bringing me something truly miraculous, and that I’d be wise to haul all
the golden gecko hides I could carry to the meet. I don’t know what his miracle item is, but it’s likely some civilized
trinket that he’ll hope I’ll be ignorant of enough to pay far more than it’s worth. That’s why I’d like you to make the
{351}{}{Why me?}
{352}{}{Sorry, but I think I’ll pass. Bye.}
{360}{}{Because you’re my kin--a fellow tribal, as they call us--yet I can tell you’ve had recent experience with the
civilized world. If he tries to pull something, you’d be more likely to spot it than me. Besides, I’ve got a good
feeling about you, and I’ve learned to trust my instincts.}
{361}{}{Because you’re my kin--a fellow tribal, as they call us--yet I can tell you’ve had recent experience with the
civilized world. If he tries to pull something, you’d be more likely to spot it than me. Besides, I’ve got a good
feeling about you girl, and I’ve learned to trust my instincts.}
{362}{}{Alright. Let’s do this.}
{363}{}{Alright, but give me a moment to get ready.}
{364}{}{If I help you, what’s in it for me?}
{370}{}{[He chuckles.] I offer the hospitality of our tribe and the opportunity to impress me. I promise no more than that.}
{371}{}{Alright. Let’s do this.}
{372}{}{Alright, but give me a moment to get ready.}
{373}{}{Not interested. Bye.}
#give me a moment
{375}{}{Are you ready to go?}
{376}{}{Not yet.}
{377}{}{Alright. Let’s do this.}
#float at trader meeting
{380}{}{It’s up to you to decide.}
# PC agrees to purchasing the goods
{390}{}{[Krom examines one of the tribe’s newly acquired stimpaks.] These should prove to be quite useful. [He brings
the stimpak to his nose, sniffs, and frowns. He squirts a little of the crimson fluid onto his hand and tentatively
tastes it.] Curse the gods! They’re filled with brahmin blood! That one-eyed bastard fucked us over. Right now he’s
probably having a good laugh at us as he revels in his new golden pelts.}
{391}{}{Sorry about that. I had no idea they were fake.}
{392}{}{Oh well. Live and learn.}
{400}{}{If I ever see that cheating dog again, I’ll take great pleasure in cleaving his ugly skull. Now, if you’ll excuse
me, I’ve got some vials of brahmin blood to dispose of. Perhaps the shaman would have some use for it.}
# PC kills trader, not knowing about the fake goods
{410}{}{[He smiles grimly.] I didn’t care for the ugly bastard, but by the gods, I didn’t plan on butchering him. Sure,
now his goods are free for the taking, but if word gets out that he came to trade with us and never returned, we’ll be
blacklisted among the traders.}
{411}{}{[He smiles grimly.] I didn’t care for the ugly bastard, but by the gods girl, I didn’t plan on butchering him.
Sure, now his goods are free for the taking, but if word gets out that he came to trade with us and never returned, we’ll
be blacklisted among the traders.}
{412}{}{Sorry, I guess I got carried away.}
{413}{}{He was civilized scum and deserved death.}
{420}{}{I see now that it was a mistake to task you with this. I’ll be keeping a close eye on you during your time at our
village. Now come, let us take care of this mess and be on our way.}
# PC kills trader, knowing about the fake goods
{430}{}{[He smiles grimly.] The lying bastard got what he deserved. Let his fate be a lesson to any trader who thinks
they can cheat our valuables from us. You did well in spotting his deceit. I see I made a wise choice in trusting you.
You’re welcome to stay among us, and treat our tribe as your own. However, I may call on your aid again in the future.
Now come, let us leave these corpses to rot in the sun.}
{431}{}{[He smiles grimly.] The lying bastard got what he deserved. Let his fate be a lesson to any trader who thinks
they can trick our valuables from us. You did well in spotting his deceit. Beautiful, perceptive, and deadly--by Gods,
girl, you’ve got it all. You’re welcome to stay among us, and treat our tribe as your own. However, I may call on your
aid again in the future. Now come, let us leave these corpses to rot in the sun.}
# PC does not purchase goods, not knowing they are fake
{440}{}{I don’t blame you for not making the trade. I had a bad feeling about the deal as well. I admit those stimpaks
would have proven useful, but we’ve been getting by without them, and we’ll continue to do so. Now, you’re welcome to
stay among us, and treat our tribe as your own. However, I may call on your aid again in the future. Thanks for your help.}
{441}{}{I don’t blame you for not making the trade. I had bad feeling about the deal as well. I admit those stimpaks would
have proven useful, but we’ve been getting by without them, and we’ll continue to do so. You’re welcome to stay among us
girl, and treat our tribe as your own. However, I may call on your aid again in the future. Thanks for your help.}
{442}{}{No problem.}
{443}{}{My pleasure.}
{444}{}{Whatever. Bye.}
# PC does not purchase goods, knowing they are fake
{450}{}{If I ever see that cheating dog again, I’ll take great pleasure in cleaving his ugly skull. However, you did well
in spotting his deceit. I see I made a wise choice in trusting you. You’re welcome to stay among us, and treat our tribe
as your own. However, I may call on your aid again in the future. Thanks for your help.}
{451}{}{If I ever see that cheating dog again, I’ll take great pleasure in cleaving his ugly skull. However, you did well
in spotting his deceit. I see I made a wise choice in trusting you, girl. You’re welcome to stay among us, and treat our
tribe as your own. However, I may call on your aid again in the future. Thanks for your help.}
{452}{}{No problem.}
{453}{}{My pleasure.}
{454}{}{Whatever. Bye.}
# PC initiates dialog with Krom after already helping.
{460}{}{[The giant warrior nods a greeting as you approach.] Welcome back, friend. Do you need something?}
{461}{}{[The giant warrior grins as he watches you approach.] By the God’s, I nearly forgot how gorgeous you are. Do you
need something, girl?}
{462}{}{I was wondering if I could ask you a couple questions.}
{463}{}{No, sorry, I thought this was a different tent. I’ll be going now.}
# Ask a couple questions
{470}{}{Of course.}
{471}{}{You look like you’ve been through a lot. I was wondering what your story is.}
{472}{}{What could you tell me about this village?}
{473}{}{Is there anything going on here I could help you with?}
{474}{}{Huh, that’s strange. It seems I forgot what I wanted to ask you. I’ll come back if I remember. Bye.}
# Response to PC asking about Krom’s story.
{480}{}{[Krom chuckles.] Yes, I suppose I have been through a lot. I was born and raised in a tribe far to the north,
beyond your own. I was fifteen when my tribe was attacked by savages. I awoke that day as a boy, but by the time the sun
set on that grim scene, I had slayed my way to manhood. Every man, woman, and child was dead, except for me. Ah, but what’s
life without battle and strife? It either breaks a man, or it forges him into steel. I wear my scars with pride.}
{481}{}{So what’d you do then?}
{482}{}{Alright, I think I’ve heard enough. Let me ask you something else.}
# Krom’s story, continued
{490}{}{I piled up the bodies and watched them burn into the night. Then gathered what I could and went wandering. Spent
time with various tribes; fought lots of battles. Spent a little time amongst the “civilized” people, but I tired of them
quickly. Too many greedy, backstabbing, lazy dogs hiding behind their guns. I’d rather enjoy a good battle of flesh and
steel. I’m not a complicated man. Give me battles and feasts, wine and women. What else matters in this grim world?}
{491}{}{So how’d you end up here?}
{500}{}{I came here a couple years ago. This tribe took me in and treated me well. They offered to make me their head warrior,
which I obviously accepted. I’ve enjoyed it here, next to the Great Salt Water. But I feel the wanderlust growing within me.
Someday soon, I believe I’ll move on and see what the Gods have in store for me next.}
{501}{}{Thanks for the story. Could I ask you something else?}
# PC asks Krom about the village.
{510}{}{Let’s see . . . Most members of this village actually hail from three smaller tribes that decided to unite many
years ago in order to keep from dying off. It creates an interesting mix of customs and dialects. More importantly, it
creates a good mix of women. Beyond that, there’s not much to say. It’s a simple village where we struggle to forge a
simple existence.}
{511}{}{Alright, thanks. Could I ask you something else?}
# PC asks Krom if there’s anything that needs doing
{520}{}{Actually, we’ve been having trouble with our well. If you think you could help, go speak to Merli and he’ll fill you in on it.}
{521}{}{Alright, thanks. Bye.}
{522}{}{Alright, maybe I’ll do that. But first, could I ask you something else?}
# PC talks to Krom after the hunters go missing and after gathering the weapons.
{530}{}{Good to see you, friend. If you’ve got a moment, I could use your assistance again.}
{531}{}{Good to see you again, girl. If you’ve got a moment, I could use your assistance.}
{532}{}{Sure. What do you need?}
{533}{}{Sorry, I’m busy now. Perhaps later.}
{540}{}{Two of our hunters, Serin and Jerem, have not yet returned from the hunting ground and some people are starting to worry. They’re two of our best warriors, and I’d hate to think something has happened to them. I’d go search for them myself, but if the villagers saw me take such a personal interest in the matter, I fear they’d assume the worst. I’d rather not get people riled up until I know what’s going on. So, will you seek them out for me?}
{541}{}{Alright, but where should I look?}
{542}{}{Sorry, but I don’t have time to look for them. Besides, I’m sure they’ll turn up soon. Bye.}
{543}{}{I’m not here to babysit your warriors. Bye.}
{550}{}{Check the hunting grounds, to the north. The quickest way to get there is through the cave to the west, next to the Great Salt Water. Normally, I wouldn’t advise taking that route, since it’s in danger of collapsing, but it’s important that you make haste. Just tread carefully through the cave, and you should be fine.}
{551}{}{Alright, I’ll hurry and try to find them.}
{552}{}{Wait, you want me to pass through a cave that’s about to collapse? Hmm . . . Shit, I just remembered! I have to go save my tribe! Sorry, gotta run.}
{560}{}{Do you bring news of the lost hunters?}
{561}{}{Not yet. I’ll keep looking.}
{562}{}{Yeah, I found them in the cave. They’re both dead.}
{570}{}{[Krom nods, his face grim.] How?}
{571}{}{There was a cave-in. One had been crushed by the falling rocks; the other was pinned down by the rubble, then eaten alive by a gecko. It was pretty brutal.}
{580}{}{Killed by a damn cave-in. Curse the Gods! I hate to lose good men in such a way. They should have died on the field of battle, like the true warriors they were. [He shakes his head.] Their loss is a great blow to this tribe. Anyway, thank you for looking. Your services are no longer needed.}
{581}{}{Sure, anytime. Bye.}
{582}{}{I’m sure they were great men. Bye.}
# PC rescues Serin.
{590}{}{Thank you for locating the hunters. The loss of Jerem is great, as he was a skilled warrior. He should have died
on the field of battle, not by some damn cave-in. Anyway, Serin should recover fully, thanks to you, friend. You will
always be welcome here.}
{591}{}{Thank you for locating the hunters. The loss of Jerem is great, as he was a skilled warrior. He should have died
in the field of battle, not by some damn cave-in. Anyway, Serin should recover fully, thanks to you, girl. You will always
be welcome here.}
{592}{}{Thanks. Take care, Krom.}
# PC is dumb
# Response to Krom’s initial dialog
{800}{}{Me tribe, Arroyo, need help. I help. I special chosen helper.}
{801}{}{[Krom chuckles.] Yeah, you certainly are special. [He smiles and ruffles your hair with a hand that seems
capable of crushing boulders.] You like helping, huh? How would you like to be our tribe’s special helper?}
{802}{}{I help! Wut you need?}
{803}{}{Nu-uh. I help Arroyo. No time help others. Biiee!}
{810}{}{We need pointy weapons. [He points at his spear.] Five spears, like this. [He holds up his fingers.] *Five*.
Also, we need *ten*, that’s twice as many, knifes. [He pulls out a knife and shows it to you.] Like this, okay? Five
spears, doesn’t matter how sharp they are. And ten normal knifes. Got it?}
{811}{}{Otay. I go find pointy things.}
{812}{}{I have many pointy things. I no need them all.}
# Dumb PC talks to Krom after denying quest.
{820}{}{Did you change your mind? Want to be our tribe’s special helper?}
{821}{}{I special. I be big helper for tribe.}
# Dumb PC talks to KROM after taking quest.
{830}{}{You find all the pointy things I asked for?}
{831}{}{I found.}
{832}{}{I still look.}
# Dumb PC gives Krom the “pointy things”
{840}{}{[Krom quickly scrutinizes the weapons, then grins and pats you on the back.] You did a good job. Thank you. Now run along and stay out of trouble.}
# Dumb PC talks to Krom after already completing the quest.
{850}{}{[Krom ruffles your hair.] There’s my special helper. You run along now and stay out of trouble.}
# PC has defeated the Enclave
{1000}{}{[The giant warrior nods respectfully to you.] Well, if it isn’t the great hero of the wastes. That was a pretty
impressive feat, sending them Enclave dogs to hell like that. In fact, hearing tales of your exploits has inspired me to
head back out into the wastes myself.}
{1001}{}{Where will you go?}
{1002}{}{You’re just going to leave? But you’re the tribe’s head warrior.}
{1003}{}{Alright. Good luck on your journey, Krom.}
{1010}{}{[He shrugs his broad shoulders.] East seems as good a direction as any other. Yeah, I think I’ll head east and see
what awaits me.}
{1020}{}{They’ll just have some other warrior fill the position. Hell, head warriors generally don’t live much longer than
a couple years anyway, so I’d say I’ve earned my retirement.}
{2000}{}{You restock the Tribe with more weapons.}
{2500}{}{You fall victim to Roy's deception.}
{2501}{}{You needlessly kill the merchant.}
{2502}{}{You expose Roy's deception, and ensure that he'll never trade again.}
{2503}{}{You decline to trade with Roy.}
{2504}{}{You expose Roy's deception.}
{3000}{}{Begone vile slaver!}
(hatte zwar schon angefangen, nicht viel, aber ist eindeutig ZU viel für meine Englischkenntnisse.) bzw. jemand anders würde dafür weit aus weniger Zeit brauchen.
[spoiler]{100}{}{You see the caravan master.}
{101}{}{You see Mr. Baron, the master of this caravan.}
{200}{}{Hello Traveler, name’s Robert Baron, master of this here caravan. Are you looking to make a trade?}
{201}{}{Sure. Let’s see what you’ve got.}
{202}{}{Actually, I wanted to speak with you on behalf of a nearby village.}
{203}{}{Nope. I’ll be on my way now.}
{204}{}{Robert Baron, huh? Ever think about going by Bobby Baron? That’s got a nice bounce to it, don’t you think?}
{210}{}{I think your mom might’ve bounced you on your head a couple times. Now, do you want to trade, or not? I’m a busy man.}
{220}{}{Alright. Anything else?}
{221}{}{Yes actually, I wanted to speak with you on behalf of a nearby village.}
{222}{}{Nope. I’ll be on my way now.}
{230}{}{[He furrows his brow.] Village? Not sure what your--oh! Are you talking about that rat infested little shit-hole down the way?}
{231}{}{Uh, maybe.}
{232}{}{Yes, I am.}
{233}{}{It’s not a shit-hole. They’re a struggling community that’s making some real progress.}
{240}{}{Look, I already met with them, and I’m going to tell you the same thing I told them. They’re simply too small for me to bother with. Besides, that place is fetid as all hell.}
{241}{}{Alright. I gave it a shot. Bye.}
{242}{}{Oh, come on, it’s not that far out of your way. You pretty much pass right by it.}
{243}{}{Is there *any* way I could get you to change your mind?}
{250}{}{Now what? If you’re not going to trade, then stop wasting my fucking time.}
{251}{}{Let’s trade.}
{252}{}{Sorry, I’ll go now.}
{253}{}{I think I’ll waste *you* asshole.}
{254}{}{Is there *any* way I could get you to change your mind about trading with the village?}
{260}{}{So what if I do? I don’t care if it’s only a *minute* out of my way, it’s just not worth the hassle.}
{261}{}{Alright. I see it’s useless to reason with you. Bye.}
{262}{}{Is there *any* way I could get you to change your mind?}
{263}{}{That’s too bad, because a smart merchant would jump on this opportunity. But hey, if you’re not interested, I suppose I’ll have to go elsewhere...}
{270}{}{Now just hold on a moment. I didn’t say for certain that I wasn’t interested. What’s this opportunity you speak of?}
{271}{}{You see, that village might not be much to look at now, but I’ve got some insider information that all but guarantees that place is going to be the new hot spot. Trust me, it’s going to be booming in the coming years. So if I were you, I’d want to build up relations now, before they get too big and you miss your chance.}
{280}{}{Haha! You expect me to believe that shit-hole is going to turn into something worthwhile? I think I’m about done wasting my time with you.}
{281}{}{Alright. I see it’s useless to reason with you. Bye.}
{282}{}{Is there *any* way I could get you to change your mind?}
{290}{}{You’re not kidding, are you? Hmm, I suppose it couldn’t hurt to take a little detour over there now and then. Hell, it’s hardly even out of my way. Thanks for the tip, friend.}
{291}{}{No problem. See ya.}
{292}{}{Yep. Bye.}
{300}{}{[He seems to consider your question.] Perhaps . . . exactly what are we talking here?}
{301}{}{You make that village a regular stop on your route, and in return, I’ll pay you $500.}
{302}{}{You make that village a regular stop on your route, and in return, I’ll do my part to ensure nothing “unfortunate” happens to your caravan.}
{303}{}{You make that village a regular stop on your route, and in return, I’ll show you a good time you’ll never forget.}
{304}{}{You make that village a regular stop on your route, and in return, my wife here will show you a good time you’ll never forget.}
{305}{}{Actually, never mind. Bye.}
{310}{}{Now you’re speaking my language! Alright, it’s a deal. [He greedily snatches the money from you and shakes your hand.]}
{311}{}{Pleasure doing business with you. Bye.}
{320}{}{$500? Not worth it. Make it $1,000 and you’ve got a deal}
{321}{}{I don’t have that much. Bye.}
{322}{}{Alright, fine. $1,000 it is.}
{323}{}{No deal. Goodbye.}
{330}{}{Now you’re speaking my language! You’ve got yourself a deal. [He greedily snatches the money from you and shakes your hand.]}
{331}{}{Pleasure doing business with you. Bye.}
{340}{}{Are you threatening me? No one threatens me and lives! (to his caravan guards) Kill this stupid fuck!}
{341}{}{Bring it on!}
{350}{}{Look, I don’t want any trouble. If you want me to swing by and trade with that village, fine, no big deal. Hell, it’s hardly even out of my way. No problem.}
{351}{}{I’m glad we have an understanding. I’ll be watching you. Bye.}
{352}{}{You better hope there’s not a problem. Cause if there is, I’ll solve it. Bye.}
{353}{}{[Glare at him intently for a moment, then slowly walk away.]}
{360}{}{Ugh! God no! I’d rather fuck a brahmin. Now get out of here and stop wasting my time.}
{361}{}{Fuck you, asshole! [Attack.]}
{362}{}{Fine, but you could’ve just said no. No need to be a jerk about it.}
{363}{}{You don’t know what you’re missing.}
{364}{}{[Bury your ugly face in your hands and run away crying.]}
{370}{}{Eh, sorry girl. I’m just not in the mood right now. You got anything else to offer?}
{371}{}{You make that village a regular stop on your route, and in return, I’ll pay you $500.}
{372}{}{You make that village a regular stop on your route, and in return, I’ll do my part to ensure nothing “unfortunate” happens to your caravan.}
{373}{}{Nope. Bye.}
{380}{}{[He looks you up and down, then grins.] I think you’ve got yourself a deal. Do you take it in the backdoor?}
{381}{}{Baby, I take it any way you want to give it.}
{382}{}{You’ll just have to find out, won’t you?}
{383}{}{Ugh! Hell no! Now let’s hurry up and get this over with before I puke.}
{390}{}{[The merchant grins at you as he refastens his belt.]Holy shit, you sure know how to drive a good bargain. If you ever need to talk a merchant into doing something else, you make sure and look me up. Now, I should really be going. It was a pleasure doing business with you.}
{391}{}{[Shudder.] Once was enough. Bye.}
{392}{}{Anytime. Bye.}
{400}{}{[He looks Miria up and down, then grins.] I think you’ve got yourself a deal. [He shakes your hand, then puts his arm around Miria and walks her to someplace more private.]}
{401}{}{[Tap your foot while you wait.]}
{402}{}{[Whistle while you wait.]}
{403}{}{[Check your weapons while you wait.]}
{404}{}{[Stand there silently and make awkward eye contact with the caravan guards while you listen to the sounds of your wife being defiled by the merchant master.]}
{410}{}{[An hour later, you see Robert Baron and Miria, now sweaty and disheveled from their sexual romp, walking back towards you. You notice Miria is walking with a slight limp. The merchant grins at you as he refastens his belt.] Holy shit, you sure know how to drive a good bargain. If you ever need to talk a merchant into doing something else, you make sure and look me up. Now, I should really be going. It was a pleasure doing business with you.}
{411}{}{Whatever. Bye.}
{412}{}{Anytime. Bye.}
{500}{}{You convince the merchant to add the village to his trade route.}
{510}{}{You kill the merchant, thus ensuring that the village won’t be able to trade.}
[spoiler]{100}{}{You see a young woman.}
{101}{}{You see Ann, Connar's wife.}
{102}{}{She appears to be busily cooking.}
{200}{}{Why hello there, I’m Connar’s wife, Ann. You must be the one who helped out us out. I can’t tell you how much
we appreciate all you’ve done. It’s hard to believe that we can finally live in peace without fear of Vault City’s goons
coming to take us from our homes.}
{201}{}{Glad to be of assistance. You seem to be quite busy here. Need some help with anything?}
{202}{}{No problem. See you around.}
{300}{}{Actually, I *could* use some help. Now that we’re becoming more organized, we’re starting to see our numbers
grow. The problem is, I’m not sure we’ll have enough food to go around. My husband has attempted to get the caravans
to stop here, but they don’t’ think we’re worth their time. I don’t suppose you could get them to reconsider?}
{301}{}{Sorry lady, but I think I’ve done enough here. I need to move on now. Bye.}
{302}{}{Can’t you people ever deal with your own fucking problems? Bye.}
{303}{}{Sure. I’ll see what I can do. Who do I talk to about this?}
{310}{}{One of the caravan masters, Mr. Baron, will be passing by here shortly. The caravan trail isn’t far from this
village. If you could go out there and meet with him, we’d all appreciate it greatly.}
{311}{}{Alright, I’ll give it a shot. Show me where he is.}
{312}{}{Alright, but I’m not ready yet. I’ll let you know when I am.}
{313}{}{On second thought, you’re going to have to handle this on your own. Sorry.}
{320}{}{Are you ready to go meet the caravan master yet?}
{321}{}{Not yet. Bye.}
{322}{}{Alright. I’m ready.}
{330}{}{Oh, it's you! Thank you for speaking with Mr. Baron. He had just come by to make trade arrangements with my husband.
You've done so much to help us, we're forever in your debt!}
{331}{}{It's the least I could do. Take care.}
{332}{}{You think I do all this for free? Let's talk money.}
{340}{}{[Ann looks a bit flustered.] Well, yes...alright fine. I had a little something stored away for an emergency, but
I suppose you can have it. And to think I saw you as a good person.}
{341}{}{Looks are in the eyes of the beholder, lady. Good day.}
{342}{}{Sorry, money makes the world go round. Bye.}
{350}{}{Oh, it's you! I heard what you did to Mr. Baron. I never did care for him, but you didn't have to kill him. We'll
stifle as a community without proper trade.}
{351}{}{Sorry, mistakes happen. Bye.}
{352}{}{Not my problem. Bye.}
{400}{}{Did Vault City send you?}
{401}{}{We have the right to live here, you know.}
{402}{}{I have nothing more to say to you.}
{403}{}{Thanks again for everything!}
{404}{}{Thanks so much!}
{405}{}{Finally we are safe.}
{406}{}{Thanks for everything! Be sure to stop by again once we expand the place. I'll finally have a working kitchen to cook in.}
{410}{}{Hello again.}
{411}{}{You seem to be quite busy here. Need some help with anything?}
{412}{}{Nevermind. Bye.}
{500}{}{You convinced the merchant to add the village to his trade route.}
{510}{}{You killed the merchant, thus ensuring that the village won’t be able to trade.}
[spoiler]{100}{}{You see a very hyperactive little boy.}
{101}{}{You see Little Todd.}
#random floats
{200}{}{BOOM!!! I love ‘splosions!}
{201}{}{Bam-bam! I shoot mutants!}
{202}{}{I wish I saw more ‘splosions!}
{203}{}{Everything should explode!}
{300}{}{Can you blow something up, Mister?}
{301}{}{When I grow up, I’m gonna rule the world!}
{302}{}{I don’t like it here, I wanna move to the east coast!}
{303}{}{My clothes are magic!}
{304}{}{Grownups talk too much!}
{305}{}{The Brotherhood of Steel are the knights of the wasteland!}
{306}{}{All mutants are evil!}
{307}{}{I bet my teddy bear could kill you!}
{308}{}{My dad went missing again!}
{309}{}{Sometimes I drink from toilets!}
{310}{}{What’s cont-i-newy-t mean?}
{311}{}{Can you blow something up, Misses?}
das wären erstmal alle NEUEN.
RPÜ/German Restoration Project Tanslation
Ich habe ein Gewehr, eine Schaufel und 5 Hektar Land hinter dem Haus. Man wird dich nie finden - leg dich also nicht mit mir an! <br />
Ich habe ein Gewehr, eine Schaufel und 5 Hektar Land hinter dem Haus. Man wird dich nie finden - leg dich also nicht mit mir an! <br />
Ashbury wrote:P.s. Nein es ist nicht die Gewalt was mich an der Fallout Reihe gereizt hat,aber sie war immer die Kirsche auf der Sahnetorte ( Und ich will verdammt nochmal ne Kirsche oben drauf haben)
Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
schau mal den Kontext an, Es muss heißen "Ich kann einen Hinweis vertagen" bzw. Ich wollte ja nur ein Hinweis haben, sei nicht so ein Schwanz^^DemonKnight wrote: @zyankali
die ganze zeile is falsch
das heißt so viel
"Ich versteh nen Hinweis. Kein Grund n Arschloch zu sein. Tschüß" kann man natürlich noch hübscher verpacken
weil das kommt als Antwortmöglichkeit,, nachdem man ihn fragt ob das Boot geht und er antwortet man sollte sich verpissen.
Last edited by Mr.Wolna on Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
RPÜ/German Restoration Project Tanslation
Ich habe ein Gewehr, eine Schaufel und 5 Hektar Land hinter dem Haus. Man wird dich nie finden - leg dich also nicht mit mir an! <br />
Ich habe ein Gewehr, eine Schaufel und 5 Hektar Land hinter dem Haus. Man wird dich nie finden - leg dich also nicht mit mir an! <br />
Ashbury wrote:P.s. Nein es ist nicht die Gewalt was mich an der Fallout Reihe gereizt hat,aber sie war immer die Kirsche auf der Sahnetorte ( Und ich will verdammt nochmal ne Kirsche oben drauf haben)
Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
[spoiler]{100}{}{Du siehst einen sehr hyperaktiven, kleinen Jungen.}
{101}{}{Du siehst Little Todd.}
#random floats
{200}{}{BOOM!!! Ich liebe Explosionen!}
{201}{}{Bam-bam! Ich jage Mutanten!}
{202}{}{Ich wünsche, ich könnte mehr Explosionen sehen!}
{203}{}{Alle sollten explodieren!}
{300}{}{Können sie etwas in die Luft jagen, mein Herr?}
{301}{}{Wenn ich groß bin, werde ich die Welt beherrschen!}
{302}{}{Ich bin nicht gerne hier. Ich will an die Ostküste ziehen!}
{303}{}{Meine Klamotten sind magisch!}
{304}{}{Erwachsene reden sooo viel!}
{305}{}{Die Brotherhood of Steel sind die Ritter des Ödlands!}
{306}{}{Alle Mutanten sind böse!}
{307}{}{Ich wette, mein Teddybär könnte dich töten!}
{308}{}{Mein Vater ist noch immer verschollen!}
{309}{}{Manchmal trinke ich aus der Toilette!}
{310}{}{Was meinst du mit Kont-iii-nuäli-tät?}
{311}{}{Können sie etwas in die Luft jagen, Fräulein?}[/spoiler]
Mir ist wieder was eingefallen: https://forum.falloutnow.de/http://p ... 87#p234687
Da ja 30 Mann an der RPÜ gearbeitet haben und nicht nur einer, wollten wir eigentlich die unseren Abschnitt neutraler gestalten. Für Vorschläge bin ich offen.
[spoiler]{100}{}{Du siehst einen sehr hyperaktiven, kleinen Jungen.}
{101}{}{Du siehst Little Todd.}
#random floats
{200}{}{BOOM!!! Ich liebe Explosionen!}
{201}{}{Bam-bam! Ich jage Mutanten!}
{202}{}{Ich wünsche, ich könnte mehr Explosionen sehen!}
{203}{}{Alle sollten explodieren!}
{300}{}{Können sie etwas in die Luft jagen, mein Herr?}
{301}{}{Wenn ich groß bin, werde ich die Welt beherrschen!}
{302}{}{Ich bin nicht gerne hier. Ich will an die Ostküste ziehen!}
{303}{}{Meine Klamotten sind magisch!}
{304}{}{Erwachsene reden sooo viel!}
{305}{}{Die Brotherhood of Steel sind die Ritter des Ödlands!}
{306}{}{Alle Mutanten sind böse!}
{307}{}{Ich wette, mein Teddybär könnte dich töten!}
{308}{}{Mein Vater ist noch immer verschollen!}
{309}{}{Manchmal trinke ich aus der Toilette!}
{310}{}{Was meinst du mit Kont-iii-nuäli-tät?}
{311}{}{Können sie etwas in die Luft jagen, Fräulein?}[/spoiler]
Mir ist wieder was eingefallen: https://forum.falloutnow.de/http://p ... 87#p234687
Da ja 30 Mann an der RPÜ gearbeitet haben und nicht nur einer, wollten wir eigentlich die unseren Abschnitt neutraler gestalten. Für Vorschläge bin ich offen.

Last edited by Zyankali! on Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Ye ol' Dinkley McD0nk
- Global Moderator
- Posts: 18609
- Joined: Sun Dec 11, 2005 5:21 pm
- Location: Omikron
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Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
dir is klar das die aussage die selbe ist oder?
übersetz nich alles wort wörtlich wolna, das is ödlandsumgangssprache
oder würdest du das so sagen?
ich schau mir mal die altlasten an : >
edit öh bei dem link von zyankali... wie kann ich diese datein ändern? ich blick das grad nich...
dir is klar das die aussage die selbe ist oder?
übersetz nich alles wort wörtlich wolna, das is ödlandsumgangssprache
oder würdest du das so sagen?
ich schau mir mal die altlasten an : >
edit öh bei dem link von zyankali... wie kann ich diese datein ändern? ich blick das grad nich...
Last edited by Ye ol' Dinkley McD0nk on Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Männer sind wie Mikrowellen: Von einer Sekunde auf die nächste auf Betriebstemperatur. Frauen sind anders.
Kleiner Tipp von Oma: Du musst den Ofen erst anheizen, bevor du den Kuchen reinschiebst!
I fear no evil, for i am fear incarnate!
<F0>: Widerstand ist F0lem
Kleiner Tipp von Oma: Du musst den Ofen erst anheizen, bevor du den Kuchen reinschiebst!
I fear no evil, for i am fear incarnate!
Ein Tag ohne Banane, ist wie ein Tag ohne Sonne.LEXX sagt: Kein Wunder, dass es Kriege gibt. Es ist einfacher, dämlichen Menschen eine reinzuhauen, als jahrelang auf sie einzureden.
<F0>: Widerstand ist F0lem

- Ye ol' Dinkley McD0nk
- Global Moderator
- Posts: 18609
- Joined: Sun Dec 11, 2005 5:21 pm
- Location: Omikron
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Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
meh ich hab kein outlook
und wenn ich das mitm editor öffne zerhauts alles... ^^
kann ich dir das dann auch im wordformat schicken?
und wenn ich das mitm editor öffne zerhauts alles... ^^
kann ich dir das dann auch im wordformat schicken?
Männer sind wie Mikrowellen: Von einer Sekunde auf die nächste auf Betriebstemperatur. Frauen sind anders.
Kleiner Tipp von Oma: Du musst den Ofen erst anheizen, bevor du den Kuchen reinschiebst!
I fear no evil, for i am fear incarnate!
<F0>: Widerstand ist F0lem
Kleiner Tipp von Oma: Du musst den Ofen erst anheizen, bevor du den Kuchen reinschiebst!
I fear no evil, for i am fear incarnate!
Ein Tag ohne Banane, ist wie ein Tag ohne Sonne.LEXX sagt: Kein Wunder, dass es Kriege gibt. Es ist einfacher, dämlichen Menschen eine reinzuhauen, als jahrelang auf sie einzureden.
<F0>: Widerstand ist F0lem

Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
Notepad++ > *all
Du kannst auch hier ins Forum per SPOILER reinschreiben.
Notepad++ > *all
Du kannst auch hier ins Forum per SPOILER reinschreiben.
Last edited by Zyankali! on Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Ye ol' Dinkley McD0nk
- Global Moderator
- Posts: 18609
- Joined: Sun Dec 11, 2005 5:21 pm
- Location: Omikron
- Contact:
Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
mh dann mach ich das im word und kopiers einfach hier rein
ich hab schon soviel stuff auf der platte ^^
ich hab schon soviel stuff auf der platte ^^
Männer sind wie Mikrowellen: Von einer Sekunde auf die nächste auf Betriebstemperatur. Frauen sind anders.
Kleiner Tipp von Oma: Du musst den Ofen erst anheizen, bevor du den Kuchen reinschiebst!
I fear no evil, for i am fear incarnate!
<F0>: Widerstand ist F0lem
Kleiner Tipp von Oma: Du musst den Ofen erst anheizen, bevor du den Kuchen reinschiebst!
I fear no evil, for i am fear incarnate!
Ein Tag ohne Banane, ist wie ein Tag ohne Sonne.LEXX sagt: Kein Wunder, dass es Kriege gibt. Es ist einfacher, dämlichen Menschen eine reinzuhauen, als jahrelang auf sie einzureden.
<F0>: Widerstand ist F0lem

Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
ok ich verstehe nur bahnhof.
Nein, ich übersetze absichtlich nicht alles WORT für Wort sodnern achte darauf das es im deutschen passt. Ich habe nur noch NIE jemanden sagen hören; "Ich verstehe einen Hinweis" hört sich für mich ziemlich komisch an.
@Zyankali- Ich verstehe nicht ganz was du meinst? Gönnst du mir die Credits nicht oder wie?^^ Eins sie gesagt, die Credits sind NICHT NUR daraus entstanden, dass ich das RPÜ (wohl gesagt mit Don damals) ins Leben gerufen habe, und bis zur Beatphase geleitet habe. Es sind auch diverse andere Kleinigkeiten. Aber das ist ja auch egal. Erstens kein Plan ob die Texte jetzt ins game finden oder nicht. (Irgendwie gab es mehrmals Dinge die wir für 1.3 übersetzen mussten). Zweitens ist es mir eigentlich relativ egal, mir gehts alleine um DIE SACHE (Fallout). Drittens weiß auch Killap und ganz NMA, dass nicht ich alleine sodnern die ganze FON Community das Ding übersetzen/übersetzt haben. Es ist nur so, dass ich der einzige (nebst Lexx) bin der auf NMa aktiv ist udn somit bzw. in den Fall des RPÜ's die ganze Community vertretet. Dadurch sind auch solche Insider entstanden wie "bitch plz slap me"
. Die Texte sidn für jeder Mann offen. Wenn ihr ein Problem mit den geschriebenen haben solltet, seit ihr frei das zu ändern. Da diese Texte in einer Zuffalsbegegnung kommen, kann leider nicht als einzige Person das ganze Team genannt werden. Wenn du willst streich meinen Namen und ersetze ihn durch deinen Zyankali (Gott weiß, dass du es mehr als verdient hättest).
Oder ich sage Killap er soll das Ganze gleich raus nehmen, falls sich jemand dadurch unrecht behandelt fühlt. Mir ist das relativ egal, ich mache alles nicht wegen den Credits oder einer Erwähnung. solange nichts schlechtes in den Texten über mich steht, könnt ihr das verändern bis ihr blau und schwarz werdet.
Nein, ich übersetze absichtlich nicht alles WORT für Wort sodnern achte darauf das es im deutschen passt. Ich habe nur noch NIE jemanden sagen hören; "Ich verstehe einen Hinweis" hört sich für mich ziemlich komisch an.
@Zyankali- Ich verstehe nicht ganz was du meinst? Gönnst du mir die Credits nicht oder wie?^^ Eins sie gesagt, die Credits sind NICHT NUR daraus entstanden, dass ich das RPÜ (wohl gesagt mit Don damals) ins Leben gerufen habe, und bis zur Beatphase geleitet habe. Es sind auch diverse andere Kleinigkeiten. Aber das ist ja auch egal. Erstens kein Plan ob die Texte jetzt ins game finden oder nicht. (Irgendwie gab es mehrmals Dinge die wir für 1.3 übersetzen mussten). Zweitens ist es mir eigentlich relativ egal, mir gehts alleine um DIE SACHE (Fallout). Drittens weiß auch Killap und ganz NMA, dass nicht ich alleine sodnern die ganze FON Community das Ding übersetzen/übersetzt haben. Es ist nur so, dass ich der einzige (nebst Lexx) bin der auf NMa aktiv ist udn somit bzw. in den Fall des RPÜ's die ganze Community vertretet. Dadurch sind auch solche Insider entstanden wie "bitch plz slap me"

Oder ich sage Killap er soll das Ganze gleich raus nehmen, falls sich jemand dadurch unrecht behandelt fühlt. Mir ist das relativ egal, ich mache alles nicht wegen den Credits oder einer Erwähnung. solange nichts schlechtes in den Texten über mich steht, könnt ihr das verändern bis ihr blau und schwarz werdet.
So würds auch gehen^^Du siehst: Einen Repräsentant der deutschen Fallout Community
Last edited by Mr.Wolna on Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
RPÜ/German Restoration Project Tanslation
Ich habe ein Gewehr, eine Schaufel und 5 Hektar Land hinter dem Haus. Man wird dich nie finden - leg dich also nicht mit mir an! <br />
Ich habe ein Gewehr, eine Schaufel und 5 Hektar Land hinter dem Haus. Man wird dich nie finden - leg dich also nicht mit mir an! <br />
Ashbury wrote:P.s. Nein es ist nicht die Gewalt was mich an der Fallout Reihe gereizt hat,aber sie war immer die Kirsche auf der Sahnetorte ( Und ich will verdammt nochmal ne Kirsche oben drauf haben)
- Ye ol' Dinkley McD0nk
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Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
@wolli darum ja auch "Ich versteh nen Hinweis" und nicht "Ich verstehe einen Hinweis"
umgangssprache und so
man muss natürlich darauf achten das es nich zu viel wird sonst siehts auch scheiße aus
du könntest hier auch schreiben "Ich versteh nen Zaunsfeld wenn ichs seh" nach dem Motto "Ein Wink mitm Zaunspfahl" falls dir das Sprichwort was sagt
@credits hu was is mit der aufregung wolli oO hab ich was verpasst?
umgangssprache und so
man muss natürlich darauf achten das es nich zu viel wird sonst siehts auch scheiße aus
du könntest hier auch schreiben "Ich versteh nen Zaunsfeld wenn ichs seh" nach dem Motto "Ein Wink mitm Zaunspfahl" falls dir das Sprichwort was sagt
@credits hu was is mit der aufregung wolli oO hab ich was verpasst?
Männer sind wie Mikrowellen: Von einer Sekunde auf die nächste auf Betriebstemperatur. Frauen sind anders.
Kleiner Tipp von Oma: Du musst den Ofen erst anheizen, bevor du den Kuchen reinschiebst!
I fear no evil, for i am fear incarnate!
<F0>: Widerstand ist F0lem
Kleiner Tipp von Oma: Du musst den Ofen erst anheizen, bevor du den Kuchen reinschiebst!
I fear no evil, for i am fear incarnate!
Ein Tag ohne Banane, ist wie ein Tag ohne Sonne.LEXX sagt: Kein Wunder, dass es Kriege gibt. Es ist einfacher, dämlichen Menschen eine reinzuhauen, als jahrelang auf sie einzureden.
<F0>: Widerstand ist F0lem

Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
@zyankali jo siehe meinen Edit 
@DK Ich reg mich doch nicht auf^^
Was hast du schlicht gegen Wollte nur ein Hinweis, oder so. Finde hört sich viel besser und verständlicher an, als das andere. Wie auch immer, Geschmäcker sind nun mal wie Arschlöcher.
Erst sollten wir alles übersetzen udn dann nochmal darüber diskutieren , falls nötig was wie und warum. Hab grad ein bisschen die Übersicht verloren. Was sich aber ändern muss, da ich noch ne risige TXT Datei habe mit Zeilen die in die schon VORHANDENEN MSG noch reinflißen müssen. Deswegen wäre ein kleines Treffen im modding Channel nicht verkehrt (besonders mit dir Zyankali da du das ganze Beatding geleitet hast und dich wohl am meisten auskennst. bzw. auf den neusten stand bist.) Das Problem sit das ich zur Zeit nciht ins IRc komme. Aber sit nicht schlimm, da ja noch nicht alle NEUE bzw. die die zu überschreibende MSGs fertig sind.

@DK Ich reg mich doch nicht auf^^
Was hast du schlicht gegen Wollte nur ein Hinweis, oder so. Finde hört sich viel besser und verständlicher an, als das andere. Wie auch immer, Geschmäcker sind nun mal wie Arschlöcher.

RPÜ/German Restoration Project Tanslation
Ich habe ein Gewehr, eine Schaufel und 5 Hektar Land hinter dem Haus. Man wird dich nie finden - leg dich also nicht mit mir an! <br />
Ich habe ein Gewehr, eine Schaufel und 5 Hektar Land hinter dem Haus. Man wird dich nie finden - leg dich also nicht mit mir an! <br />
Ashbury wrote:P.s. Nein es ist nicht die Gewalt was mich an der Fallout Reihe gereizt hat,aber sie war immer die Kirsche auf der Sahnetorte ( Und ich will verdammt nochmal ne Kirsche oben drauf haben)
Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
Wieso schiebst du nicht die TXT hoch, wir übersetzen sie, ich führe die Textbausteine zusammen und merge per SVN...
Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
weil die anderen daten noch nicht upp sind, aber wenn du meinst...
werde sie gleich hoch laden. wenn die NEUEN msg. übersetzt sind füge ich sie ein und schick dir dann das ganze, so das du es ebenfalls auf den svn laden kannst, wenn alles durch und korrigiert ist. Wenn alles fertig ist, brauche ich nebst der für public Install Version (also mit den Setup Dialog von dir) (an dieser Stelle der FON Banner hat ja ne grauenhafte Qualität) auch ne RAR, wo DAS GANZE Packet ist und ne separate RAR mit NÜR 1.3 Daten für Killap. (Naja eigentlich wäre dann die Setup Version überflüssig, weil das ganze dann gleich im RP 1.3 Vorhanden ist bzw. die Sprache bei der Installation mit gewählt werden kann. Aber ich denke eine Separate Version kann nicht schaden. Falls jemand (warum auch immer) NUR die deutschen Textfiles braucht.
edit: SO du hast Post Zyankali, das was du hast und die Daten die ich hier gepostet habe ist alles, Mehr zu übersetzen sollte es (zu mindestens bis 1.3 vor der Schwelle steht) nicht geben.
werde sie gleich hoch laden. wenn die NEUEN msg. übersetzt sind füge ich sie ein und schick dir dann das ganze, so das du es ebenfalls auf den svn laden kannst, wenn alles durch und korrigiert ist. Wenn alles fertig ist, brauche ich nebst der für public Install Version (also mit den Setup Dialog von dir) (an dieser Stelle der FON Banner hat ja ne grauenhafte Qualität) auch ne RAR, wo DAS GANZE Packet ist und ne separate RAR mit NÜR 1.3 Daten für Killap. (Naja eigentlich wäre dann die Setup Version überflüssig, weil das ganze dann gleich im RP 1.3 Vorhanden ist bzw. die Sprache bei der Installation mit gewählt werden kann. Aber ich denke eine Separate Version kann nicht schaden. Falls jemand (warum auch immer) NUR die deutschen Textfiles braucht.
edit: SO du hast Post Zyankali, das was du hast und die Daten die ich hier gepostet habe ist alles, Mehr zu übersetzen sollte es (zu mindestens bis 1.3 vor der Schwelle steht) nicht geben.
Last edited by Mr.Wolna on Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
RPÜ/German Restoration Project Tanslation
Ich habe ein Gewehr, eine Schaufel und 5 Hektar Land hinter dem Haus. Man wird dich nie finden - leg dich also nicht mit mir an! <br />
Ich habe ein Gewehr, eine Schaufel und 5 Hektar Land hinter dem Haus. Man wird dich nie finden - leg dich also nicht mit mir an! <br />
Ashbury wrote:P.s. Nein es ist nicht die Gewalt was mich an der Fallout Reihe gereizt hat,aber sie war immer die Kirsche auf der Sahnetorte ( Und ich will verdammt nochmal ne Kirsche oben drauf haben)
Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
Es war dieses mal auch keine Version geplant, da der Installer auch eigentlich nur für das RP1.2 gedacht war.Mr.Wolna wrote: [...] (Naja eigentlich wäre dann die Setup Version überflüssig, weil das ganze dann gleich im RP 1.3 Vorhanden ist bzw. die Sprache bei der Installation mit gewählt werden kann. [...]
Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
Jo dann ist gut! Trotzdem bin ich der Meinung wir sollten ne separate RAR mit den Textfiles auf FF anbieten, aber das schauen wir dann alles wenn es soweit ist. Momentan ist die reine Übersetzung im Vordergrund. Wie gesagt bis zum RP 1.3 sind knapp zwei Wochen, ohne jetzt den genaueren Termin zu nennen.
Last edited by Mr.Wolna on Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
RPÜ/German Restoration Project Tanslation
Ich habe ein Gewehr, eine Schaufel und 5 Hektar Land hinter dem Haus. Man wird dich nie finden - leg dich also nicht mit mir an! <br />
Ich habe ein Gewehr, eine Schaufel und 5 Hektar Land hinter dem Haus. Man wird dich nie finden - leg dich also nicht mit mir an! <br />
Ashbury wrote:P.s. Nein es ist nicht die Gewalt was mich an der Fallout Reihe gereizt hat,aber sie war immer die Kirsche auf der Sahnetorte ( Und ich will verdammt nochmal ne Kirsche oben drauf haben)
Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
was ist den noch frei?
Sind die neuen Daten wieder auf den alten Server? Wenn ja kann mir einer die Adresse schicken, ich hab seit letzten mal alles vom Rechner runter geschmissen.
EDIT: Ich werde nächstes mal den die vorherige Seite lesen bevor ich dumme Fragen stelle *in die Eckes stell und shäm*
vilann.msg macht noch keiner oder, sonst würde ich mich mal jetzt dranmachen
Sind die neuen Daten wieder auf den alten Server? Wenn ja kann mir einer die Adresse schicken, ich hab seit letzten mal alles vom Rechner runter geschmissen.
EDIT: Ich werde nächstes mal den die vorherige Seite lesen bevor ich dumme Fragen stelle *in die Eckes stell und shäm*
vilann.msg macht noch keiner oder, sonst würde ich mich mal jetzt dranmachen
Last edited by custor86 on Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
wenns keienr macht, ja^^
RPÜ/German Restoration Project Tanslation
Ich habe ein Gewehr, eine Schaufel und 5 Hektar Land hinter dem Haus. Man wird dich nie finden - leg dich also nicht mit mir an! <br />
Ich habe ein Gewehr, eine Schaufel und 5 Hektar Land hinter dem Haus. Man wird dich nie finden - leg dich also nicht mit mir an! <br />
Ashbury wrote:P.s. Nein es ist nicht die Gewalt was mich an der Fallout Reihe gereizt hat,aber sie war immer die Kirsche auf der Sahnetorte ( Und ich will verdammt nochmal ne Kirsche oben drauf haben)
Re: [Mod Project] Restoration Project Übersetzungsthread
Hier, meine Übersetzungen... 
{100}{}{Du siehst ein Hologramm.}
{101}{}{Du siehst den wissenschaftlichen Direktor.}
102}{}{Hologram 00000. Er achtet auf die wissenschaftlichen Aspekte des EPA.}
200}{}{01001000 01100101 01101100 01110000 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100001}
201}{}{Oh, was ?}
{210}{}{01000101 01101100 01100101 01100011 01110100 01110010 01101001 01100011
01100001 01101100 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101111 01110010 01110100
211}{}{Tut mir leid, ich kann Sie nicht verstehen. Tschüss.}
{212}{}{Interessant. Sieht aus, als ob Sie in der Lage sind, in Binärsprache zu kommunizieren.
Wenn ich mir aufschreibe, was Sie sagen, kann ich es vielleicht entschlüsseln.}
{220}{}{[Wenn Du nach einigen Stunden glaubst, Du hast die Binärsprache endlich
übersetzt,stellst Du fest, er hat gesagt: Hilf mir, Kurzschluß.}
{221}{}{Gut, das entschlüsseln hat Spaß gemacht. Bis später.}
{222}{}{Ein Kurzschluß im Speicher, huh? Ok, schaun wir, ob wir es reparieren können.}
{230}{}{01001000 01100101 01101100 01110000 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100001}
{231}{}{Ich melde mich an. Bis bald.}
{232}{}{Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen, ich beeile mich Sie zu reparieren.}
{240}{}{01010010 01100101 01100010 01101111 01101111 01110100 00100000 01101101
01100101 00100001}
{241}{}{Ok, ich geb's auf. Tut mir leid.}
{242}{}{Funktioniert's immer noch nicht? Warten Sie, lassen Sie mich das entziffern.}
{250}{}{[Du kannst die Meldung „Starte mich neu“ dieses Mal viel schneller entschlüsseln]
Oh, natürlich.[Du startest die Maschine neu mit Hilfe des Hologramms. Um Dir die
Zeit zu ertreiben, pfeifst Du,während die Maschine ihre Startprozesse durchläuft.]}
{251}{}{[Mach weiter.]}
{260}{}{Beim Zeus, Sie haben's geschafft. Mein Sprachprogramm hatte sich im Binärmodus
für Jahre aufgehangen. Es ist so lange her, daß ich das Vergnügen hatte mich mit
einem Freund intellektuell auszutauschen. Man sollte meinen, daß in all der Zeit
wenigstens einer meiner Kameraden die Güte gehabt hätte, binär zu lernen. Aber,
{261}{}{Kein Problem}
{270}{}{Wissen Sie, sie hatten keine Zeit für mich. Oh nein, sie waren zu beschäftigt sich
ihrem bürokratischem Unsinn zu widmen. Zu beschäftigt mit der Einführung von
Regelungen, über die sie sich streiten wie die Narren. Und wo hat sie das
hingebracht? Festgefahren in einer Endlosschleife im Plenarsaal. Ha! Geschieht
ihnen recht.}
{271}{}{Festgefahren in einer Endlosschleife?}
{272}{}{Ich habe übrigens das Problem behoben. Keine Endlosschleifen mehr.}
{280}{}{Was ist das? Oh ja, ja, es sieht so aus, als ob eine Fehlfunktion irgentwo ein starkes
Magnetfeld erzeugt hat, daß ihr Kurzzeitgedächtnis alle paar Minuten gelöscht hat
und sie zu einer Art Hologramm Fegefeuer verdammt hat. Aber, das macht nichts,
wir sind ohne sie besser dran. Während sie in einem Endlosstreit gefangen sind, bin
ich, äh, ich meine, wir, die Herren über die Einrichtung. Mit meinem
hervorragendem Verstand und Ihrem Körper sind wir ein gutes Team.}
{281}{}{Zu allererst Mal, warum sagen Sie mir nicht, was das hier überhaupt für ein Ort ist?}
{290}{}{Meiner Meinung nach sind wir besser ohne sie dran. Sollten Sie jedoch anderer
Meinung sein: wer bin ich mich zu beschweren. Wissen Sie, mit meinem
hervorragendem Verstand und Ihrem Körper sind wir ein gutes Team.}
{291}{}{Zu allererst einmal, warum sagen Sie mir nicht, was das hier überhaupt für ein Ort
{300}{}{Warum, das ist natürlich die Umweltschutzbehörde. Ursprünglich als föderale
Einrichtung gegründet, um Chemikalien zu reglementieren und den Schutz der
Umwelt zu gewährleisten. Aber es ist so viel mehr als das geworden! Warum fragen
Sie? Du stehst in einem der besten experimentellen Forschungseinrichtungen der
Nation. Wir haben so viele spannende Dinge in der Entwicklung. Natürlich waren die
Fortschritte in letzter Zeit eher unbefriedigend. Was ist mit dem Niedergang der
Zivilisation und Allem.......}
{301}{}{Das ist verständlich.}
{302}{}{Die Apocalypse ist keine Entschuldigung nachzulassen.}
{310}{}{Ja, wenn ich nur einen fähigen Assistenten hätte, könnte ich endlich größere
Fortschritte bei meiner Forschung machen...Ich denke, ich werde gehen.
{311}{}{Was für Hilfe brauchen Sie?}
{320}{}{Nun, das hängt davon ab. Sie würden sich sicher nicht dabei wohlfühlen eine große
experimentelle Waffe zu bedienen?}
{321}{}{Teufel, doch, das würde ich!}
{323}{}{Ich denke, ich werde gehen.}
{330}{}{Aha, das ist schade. Nichts für ungut. Ich werde einfach warten, bis die nächste
Person aus Fleisch und Blut in diese Einrichtung spaziert kommt. Das wird so in
einem oder zwei Jahrhunderten wieder passieren. Auf Wiedersehen.}
340}{}{Nochmal hallo. Ich nehme an, Sie haben mein Angebot mir zu helfen die
experimentelle Waffe zu testen, nicht nochmal überdacht?}
{341}{}{Nope, Tut mir leid.}
{342}{}{Doch. Sicher.}
{350}{}{Ausgezeichnet. Sie sind der perfekte Kandidat. Schauen Sie, in einer Anwandlung das
Militär umweltfreundlicher werden zu lassen, habe ich eine neue Waffe entwickelt,
die keine Munition braucht und komplett mit Licht funktioniert.Ich nenne sie *Solar
Scorcher*. Wie auch immer, sie muß noch mit direktem Sonnenlicht getestet werden.
Das ist der Punkt, an dem Sie ins Spiel kommen.}
{351}{}{Also, sie wollen, daß ich nach draußen gehe und mit diesem Ding schieße? Das ist
{352}{}{Ja, ja, dann geben Sie mir das Ding einfach.}
{360}{}{Im Wesentlichen, ja. Natürlich muss ich wissen, wie gut es sich im Verlauf von
Kampfhandlungen verhält, so dass ich es begrüßen würde, wenn Sie einige
Lebensformen dort draußen aufspüren könnten, die Sie dann spektakulär mit
meinem Solar Scorcher vernichten würden.}
{361}{}{Geh raus und töte. Habe es? Also, wo ist dieser Solar Scorcher?}
{370}{}{Nicht so hastig mein Freund. Ich will nicht, daß Sie die Waffe draußen ziellos
abfeuern. Ich muß wissen, wie gut sie sich im Verlauf von Kampfhandlungen verhält.
Daher würde ich es begrüßen, wenn Sie einige Lebensformen da draußen aufspüren
könnten, die Sie dann mit meinem Solar Scorcher aufsehenerregend auslöschen
{371}{}{Rausgehen und was abknallen, hab' es. Also, wo ist dieser Solar Scorcher?}
{380}{}{Oh ja, er ist in dem Spind an der Wand dort, neben dem Projektor. Der Code lautet:
{381}{}{Gut,ich werde es versuchen und teile Ihnen dann mit, wie es lief.}
{390}{}{Ah, willkommen zurück. Hatten Sie die Chance den Solar Scorcher zu teten?}
{391}{}{Sicher habe ich. Ich hab's bis zum Umfallen abgefeuert}
{392}{}{Sicher hab' ich's. Aber das Mistding ist kaputt gegangen. Ich mußte es wegwerfen.}
{393}{}{Nein, noch nicht .}
{394}{}{Ich werd's schon noch tun.}
{400}{}{Ausgezeichnet! Ich freue mich, zu wissen, dass es wie vorgesehen funktioniert. Vielen
Dank für die Unterstützung. Warum nehmen Sie den Solar Scorcher nicht mit auf
Ihrem Weg, Besser es ist Ihnen von Nutzen, als das er hier Staub ansetzt.}
{402}{}{Gut. Ich hätte ihn Ihnen sowiso nicht zurückgegeben.}
{410}{}{Oh.....ich verstehe nicht. Dieser Prototyp hat schon schlimmere Labortests
überstanden. . . [Er schüttelt seinen Kopf traurig.]. Nichts desto Trotz, danke für Ihre
{411}{}{Wie auch immer.}
{412}{}{Kein Problem.}
{420}{}{Wäre nett, Sie wiederzusehen. Ok, wenn Sie mich jetzt entschuldigen, ich habe eine
Fülle von Projekten, die meine Aufmerksamkeit erfordern .}
{500}{}{Du reparierst Hologramm 00000.}
{510}{}{Du testest den Solar Scorcher für den wissenschaftlichen Direktor.}

{100}{}{Du siehst ein Hologramm.}
{101}{}{Du siehst den wissenschaftlichen Direktor.}
102}{}{Hologram 00000. Er achtet auf die wissenschaftlichen Aspekte des EPA.}
200}{}{01001000 01100101 01101100 01110000 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100001}
201}{}{Oh, was ?}
{210}{}{01000101 01101100 01100101 01100011 01110100 01110010 01101001 01100011
01100001 01101100 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101111 01110010 01110100
211}{}{Tut mir leid, ich kann Sie nicht verstehen. Tschüss.}
{212}{}{Interessant. Sieht aus, als ob Sie in der Lage sind, in Binärsprache zu kommunizieren.
Wenn ich mir aufschreibe, was Sie sagen, kann ich es vielleicht entschlüsseln.}
{220}{}{[Wenn Du nach einigen Stunden glaubst, Du hast die Binärsprache endlich
übersetzt,stellst Du fest, er hat gesagt: Hilf mir, Kurzschluß.}
{221}{}{Gut, das entschlüsseln hat Spaß gemacht. Bis später.}
{222}{}{Ein Kurzschluß im Speicher, huh? Ok, schaun wir, ob wir es reparieren können.}
{230}{}{01001000 01100101 01101100 01110000 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100001}
{231}{}{Ich melde mich an. Bis bald.}
{232}{}{Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen, ich beeile mich Sie zu reparieren.}
{240}{}{01010010 01100101 01100010 01101111 01101111 01110100 00100000 01101101
01100101 00100001}
{241}{}{Ok, ich geb's auf. Tut mir leid.}
{242}{}{Funktioniert's immer noch nicht? Warten Sie, lassen Sie mich das entziffern.}
{250}{}{[Du kannst die Meldung „Starte mich neu“ dieses Mal viel schneller entschlüsseln]
Oh, natürlich.[Du startest die Maschine neu mit Hilfe des Hologramms. Um Dir die
Zeit zu ertreiben, pfeifst Du,während die Maschine ihre Startprozesse durchläuft.]}
{251}{}{[Mach weiter.]}
{260}{}{Beim Zeus, Sie haben's geschafft. Mein Sprachprogramm hatte sich im Binärmodus
für Jahre aufgehangen. Es ist so lange her, daß ich das Vergnügen hatte mich mit
einem Freund intellektuell auszutauschen. Man sollte meinen, daß in all der Zeit
wenigstens einer meiner Kameraden die Güte gehabt hätte, binär zu lernen. Aber,
{261}{}{Kein Problem}
{270}{}{Wissen Sie, sie hatten keine Zeit für mich. Oh nein, sie waren zu beschäftigt sich
ihrem bürokratischem Unsinn zu widmen. Zu beschäftigt mit der Einführung von
Regelungen, über die sie sich streiten wie die Narren. Und wo hat sie das
hingebracht? Festgefahren in einer Endlosschleife im Plenarsaal. Ha! Geschieht
ihnen recht.}
{271}{}{Festgefahren in einer Endlosschleife?}
{272}{}{Ich habe übrigens das Problem behoben. Keine Endlosschleifen mehr.}
{280}{}{Was ist das? Oh ja, ja, es sieht so aus, als ob eine Fehlfunktion irgentwo ein starkes
Magnetfeld erzeugt hat, daß ihr Kurzzeitgedächtnis alle paar Minuten gelöscht hat
und sie zu einer Art Hologramm Fegefeuer verdammt hat. Aber, das macht nichts,
wir sind ohne sie besser dran. Während sie in einem Endlosstreit gefangen sind, bin
ich, äh, ich meine, wir, die Herren über die Einrichtung. Mit meinem
hervorragendem Verstand und Ihrem Körper sind wir ein gutes Team.}
{281}{}{Zu allererst Mal, warum sagen Sie mir nicht, was das hier überhaupt für ein Ort ist?}
{290}{}{Meiner Meinung nach sind wir besser ohne sie dran. Sollten Sie jedoch anderer
Meinung sein: wer bin ich mich zu beschweren. Wissen Sie, mit meinem
hervorragendem Verstand und Ihrem Körper sind wir ein gutes Team.}
{291}{}{Zu allererst einmal, warum sagen Sie mir nicht, was das hier überhaupt für ein Ort
{300}{}{Warum, das ist natürlich die Umweltschutzbehörde. Ursprünglich als föderale
Einrichtung gegründet, um Chemikalien zu reglementieren und den Schutz der
Umwelt zu gewährleisten. Aber es ist so viel mehr als das geworden! Warum fragen
Sie? Du stehst in einem der besten experimentellen Forschungseinrichtungen der
Nation. Wir haben so viele spannende Dinge in der Entwicklung. Natürlich waren die
Fortschritte in letzter Zeit eher unbefriedigend. Was ist mit dem Niedergang der
Zivilisation und Allem.......}
{301}{}{Das ist verständlich.}
{302}{}{Die Apocalypse ist keine Entschuldigung nachzulassen.}
{310}{}{Ja, wenn ich nur einen fähigen Assistenten hätte, könnte ich endlich größere
Fortschritte bei meiner Forschung machen...Ich denke, ich werde gehen.
{311}{}{Was für Hilfe brauchen Sie?}
{320}{}{Nun, das hängt davon ab. Sie würden sich sicher nicht dabei wohlfühlen eine große
experimentelle Waffe zu bedienen?}
{321}{}{Teufel, doch, das würde ich!}
{323}{}{Ich denke, ich werde gehen.}
{330}{}{Aha, das ist schade. Nichts für ungut. Ich werde einfach warten, bis die nächste
Person aus Fleisch und Blut in diese Einrichtung spaziert kommt. Das wird so in
einem oder zwei Jahrhunderten wieder passieren. Auf Wiedersehen.}
340}{}{Nochmal hallo. Ich nehme an, Sie haben mein Angebot mir zu helfen die
experimentelle Waffe zu testen, nicht nochmal überdacht?}
{341}{}{Nope, Tut mir leid.}
{342}{}{Doch. Sicher.}
{350}{}{Ausgezeichnet. Sie sind der perfekte Kandidat. Schauen Sie, in einer Anwandlung das
Militär umweltfreundlicher werden zu lassen, habe ich eine neue Waffe entwickelt,
die keine Munition braucht und komplett mit Licht funktioniert.Ich nenne sie *Solar
Scorcher*. Wie auch immer, sie muß noch mit direktem Sonnenlicht getestet werden.
Das ist der Punkt, an dem Sie ins Spiel kommen.}
{351}{}{Also, sie wollen, daß ich nach draußen gehe und mit diesem Ding schieße? Das ist
{352}{}{Ja, ja, dann geben Sie mir das Ding einfach.}
{360}{}{Im Wesentlichen, ja. Natürlich muss ich wissen, wie gut es sich im Verlauf von
Kampfhandlungen verhält, so dass ich es begrüßen würde, wenn Sie einige
Lebensformen dort draußen aufspüren könnten, die Sie dann spektakulär mit
meinem Solar Scorcher vernichten würden.}
{361}{}{Geh raus und töte. Habe es? Also, wo ist dieser Solar Scorcher?}
{370}{}{Nicht so hastig mein Freund. Ich will nicht, daß Sie die Waffe draußen ziellos
abfeuern. Ich muß wissen, wie gut sie sich im Verlauf von Kampfhandlungen verhält.
Daher würde ich es begrüßen, wenn Sie einige Lebensformen da draußen aufspüren
könnten, die Sie dann mit meinem Solar Scorcher aufsehenerregend auslöschen
{371}{}{Rausgehen und was abknallen, hab' es. Also, wo ist dieser Solar Scorcher?}
{380}{}{Oh ja, er ist in dem Spind an der Wand dort, neben dem Projektor. Der Code lautet:
{381}{}{Gut,ich werde es versuchen und teile Ihnen dann mit, wie es lief.}
{390}{}{Ah, willkommen zurück. Hatten Sie die Chance den Solar Scorcher zu teten?}
{391}{}{Sicher habe ich. Ich hab's bis zum Umfallen abgefeuert}
{392}{}{Sicher hab' ich's. Aber das Mistding ist kaputt gegangen. Ich mußte es wegwerfen.}
{393}{}{Nein, noch nicht .}
{394}{}{Ich werd's schon noch tun.}
{400}{}{Ausgezeichnet! Ich freue mich, zu wissen, dass es wie vorgesehen funktioniert. Vielen
Dank für die Unterstützung. Warum nehmen Sie den Solar Scorcher nicht mit auf
Ihrem Weg, Besser es ist Ihnen von Nutzen, als das er hier Staub ansetzt.}
{402}{}{Gut. Ich hätte ihn Ihnen sowiso nicht zurückgegeben.}
{410}{}{Oh.....ich verstehe nicht. Dieser Prototyp hat schon schlimmere Labortests
überstanden. . . [Er schüttelt seinen Kopf traurig.]. Nichts desto Trotz, danke für Ihre
{411}{}{Wie auch immer.}
{412}{}{Kein Problem.}
{420}{}{Wäre nett, Sie wiederzusehen. Ok, wenn Sie mich jetzt entschuldigen, ich habe eine
Fülle von Projekten, die meine Aufmerksamkeit erfordern .}
{500}{}{Du reparierst Hologramm 00000.}
{510}{}{Du testest den Solar Scorcher für den wissenschaftlichen Direktor.}
Last edited by Smilodon on Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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